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Guinea pig losing weight over time after UTI


New Born Pup
Jan 21, 2022
Reaction score
California LA
Hello! My guinea pig Gamja will turn 4 this early March and has had a UTI infection around august of 2021. She luckily recovered and this was around the same time my sister and I started weighing both of my guinea pigs every week. When she was sick she was around 1080 grams. This was when she stopped eating regularly and was on medication. She even didn't eat some treats but would eat lettuce. When she recovered, she at some point peaked at 1130 grams on October of 2021 but she was definitely a littler heavier than that before the UTI. Ever since, she has been losing weight very slowly and is now at 1035, lighter than when she was really sick. We're just a little worried there can be an underlying problem or if this is just a side effect due to her having the UTI. There hasn't been a sudden drop in weight every week, just losing a couple grams but she has never gained more weight than the last ever since October.

She eats regularly, likes playing with the other pig, wheeks for treats, eats all vegetables and treats we give her. she sometimes runs around and likes pets. I can't figure out if this is something we should be worried about. Thanks!
A gradual downward trend of weight loss does require a vet check (Even if it isn’t a consistent weight loss week on week).
Please switch from weekly weight checks and instead weigh her every day (at the same time every day) so you can more closely monitor her hay intake and step in with top up feeds if necessary, and do have a vet check her out

It can mean there are times when she isn’t eating enough hay. Hay is the largest and most important part of the diet, 80% of what a piggy eats in a day needs to be hay. Therefore, if a piggy loses weight if is because hay intake has dropped. Vegetables are more supplementary and only account for 15% of the daily food intake, so eating veg will not help a piggy maintain weight.

Weight - Monitoring and Management