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Guinea pig losing hair down back?


Junior Guinea Pig
Dec 17, 2016
Reaction score
Northern Ireland UK
Hi all! Recently noticed that my older piggy (about 8) has very suddenly lost hair around her head and back. I took her to the vet where she was checked, given a treatment for mites and we also sent off a sample to test for ringworm (no result yet due to Christmas but the vet said it didn’t look like ringworm)

Today I noticed she’s lost more hair down her back although her head hair seems to be growing back, it seems totally bizarre to me but any ideas? She’s eating/drinking/pooping just fine


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Hi all! Recently noticed that my older piggy (about 8) has very suddenly lost hair around her head and back. I took her to the vet where she was checked, given a treatment for mites and we also sent off a sample to test for ringworm (no result yet due to Christmas but the vet said it didn’t look like ringworm)

Today I noticed she’s lost more hair down her back although her head hair seems to be growing back, it seems totally bizarre to me but any ideas? She’s eating/drinking/pooping just fine


Perhaps you may want to check whether there is something that causes mechanical abrasion (rubbing the back against when sleeping or moving)? This hair loss pattern is more typical for that case than for mange mites.