Guinea Pig living alone


Junior Guinea Pig
Mar 26, 2019
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so, I know guinea pigs should live in pairs etc. but I have had three Guinea Pig, all of which have lived alone, and they have all lived very happy healthy lives, every one of my pigs have been active guinea pigs that love cuddles and get taken out of their cage for at least 2 hours daily. I just don't have the room for two guinea pigs and would rather not cramp two guinea pigs into my 100 cage. my newest piggy has a whole box full of toys and lots of attention from me and my partner, yet people still keep telling me to get another pig, she seems very happy and content living by herself and popcorns when she goes in her playpen/goes back into her cage etc. she shows no sign of an unhappy pig.
Guinea pigs will make the best of it, to be honest. Not all will become depressed to the point they stop eating and waste away, but that doesn't necessarily mean it's in their best interest to be alone. The minimum sized cage requirement for 2 piggies is the same as 1, so really space shouldn't be an issue :) When my Brambles sister passed away, she did well for quite a few months, she had me, her teddy bear and as I have agoraphobia she had pretty much my undivided attention all day, every day. However, she completely lit up when I finally found her a suitable companion. 'Happy' became thrilled, she was a completely different piggy and lived her best life until she passed away in December.

I think it's important for us to put ourselves into their paws for a moment, as a fellow social species, imagine waking up one morning to find not one single living human being left in your world, you can't see any out the windows, you can't leave the house, theres no one on TV, radio or online to talk to etc, nobody at all you can have any meaningful social interaction with. While another species would take the edge off, it would be extremely detrimental to our mental health to live in complete isolation from other humans for our entire lives.
I am seriously considering getting another piggy, I currently have a girl and only had her a month she is 3 months, I was wondering whether they would fight etc as she seems happy now and I don't want to cause her any distress x
so, I have a four month old girl piggy, she's called dotty and a very happy piggy, however I only got one Guinea Pig as I didn't want to cramp them as I only have room for a 100 cage. looking into it I feel really bad that she is on her own and am considering getting her a friend. however I don't want to get another Guinea Pig and then the both of them not get on as I have nowhere to put one of them if they fight. please fire at me with advise on what to do, also information on how likely two girls are to fight etc. she is a very friendly pig and I would be more than happy to get her a friend I just really don't want them to fight
Compatibility is everything for piggies so visiting a rescue like the potteries or cavy corner that can assist with bonding would be key to ensure a compatible pairing. Also you would need to increase the cage size a 100cm cage is not big enough for one piggy let alone two and they would be much more likely to remain friends with adequate space
Compatibility is everything for piggies so visiting a rescue like the potteries or cavy corner that can assist with bonding would be key to ensure a compatible pairing. Also you would need to increase the cage size a 100cm cage is not big enough for one piggy let alone two and they would be much more likely to remain friends with adequate space
It is really weird because everywhere I go I get a different reply/answer I’ve been told three different cage sizes... and been advised my majority of pet shops that a 100 is fine for 2 piggy’s as long as they have plenty of floor time
It is really weird because everywhere I go I get a different reply/answer I’ve been told three different cage sizes... and been advised my majority of pet shops that a 100 is fine for 2 piggy’s as long as they have plenty of floor time

Pet shops will say that because they wouldn't be able to sell their tiny cages otherwise. The RSPCA minimum cage size for 2 piggies is 120cm
Pet shops will say that because they wouldn't be able to sell their tiny cages otherwise. The RSPCA minimum cage size for 2 piggies is 120cm
I agree, sadly pet shops are all about making money, cruel world i know. You can get your pigs a 120x60cm cage for £30 on zooplus, which a pet shop would charge around £50 - £80 for.

Search maxxi skyline 120, you must be able to find another 20cm surely? Then you can have two pigs together, which is a must do 👍
Check your are to see if there are any rescues that offer dating - your piggy can choose her own cage mate. If that fails, you’d have to do the introductions at home. There is a thread on it but I can’t link it at the moment.

But before doing all that, you need to get a 120cm cage. That’s the minimum recommended for 1-2 pigs, so as said above, your piggy doesn’t have enough space. Good luck
I also worry about my Finn and Lara living in seperate cages but they can see and hear each other.
You need to get a second guinea pig. For people who don’t have space or time for two pigs, I usually suggest to adopt a pet that can be kept in solitary such as a hedgehog or hamster (with proper research and a thorough look into rescues) instead of guinea pig(s). Since you’ve already bought/adopted her, you will need to do the best thing for her which is to get her a friend so that they can groom, play, and sleep...things impossible for you to do 24/7. It doesn’t matter if a guinea pig gets 10 hours of human interaction. Their will be 14 hours left of them being alone. I thought my gingerbread was happy when he was first abandoned by a breeder...he seemed alright and popcorned somewhat but as soon as I got Buttercup...boy, I realized how wrong I was. He was SO much happier/friendlier. You love your pet - so do what is best. May I suggest a C & C cage as they are cheap and can fit into any space, stacked, have 2 stories, make into a L shape...etc. The work it takes for two pigs is practically the same as one too. I hope you do what’s in your pigs best interest.