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Junior Guinea Pig
Jun 15, 2017
Reaction score
Braga, Portugal
I have two guinea pigs. They have been treated for a URI a couple weeks ago since they were sneezing and one had a crusty eye. I went on holidays and after 15 days I saw them and they seemed to be doing great, their fur was amazingly soft and they had grown a bit more (they're 4 and 6 months old).
I've been playing with them and yesterday I saw one had a little crusty booger on her eye, not something green or yellow, just white. Today the other one sneezed about five times, two of those she sneezed twice in a row.
They are eating and drinking water, as well as being active when I get them out for floor time.
They started the treatment for their past URI right after the moment they sneezed a bit of clear snot because I was worried that letting it evolve could be much worse so i took them to the vet right away.
According to my dad they haven't sneezed while I was on holidays.
The last URI they had they also just sneezed for a couple of weeks and then the snot came.
It's important to note that I changed the bedding from paper pellets to fleece. Maybe that has to do with it?
I have two guinea pigs. They have been treated for a URI a couple weeks ago since they were sneezing and one had a crusty eye. I went on holidays and after 15 days I saw them and they seemed to be doing great, their fur was amazingly soft and they had grown a bit more (they're 4 and 6 months old).
I've been playing with them and yesterday I saw one had a little crusty booger on her eye, not something green or yellow, just white. Today the other one sneezed about five times, two of those she sneezed twice in a row.
They are eating and drinking water, as well as being active when I get them out for floor time.
They started the treatment for their past URI right after the moment they sneezed a bit of clear snot because I was worried that letting it evolve could be much worse so i took them to the vet right away.
According to my dad they haven't sneezed while I was on holidays.
The last URI they had they also just sneezed for a couple of weeks and then the snot came.
It's important to note that I changed the bedding from paper pellets to fleece. Maybe that has to do with it?

I don't think that the change of bedding has any influence in your case. The white eye booger is likely from the milky eye cleaning fluid that guinea pigs use and has no connection to URI.

The amount of sneezing is not yet worrying in itself, but if you want peace of mind because of your past experiences, please have them vet checked.
I don't think that the change of bedding has any influence in your case. The white eye booger is likely from the milky eye cleaning fluid that guinea pigs use and has no connection to URI.

The amount of sneezing is not yet worrying in itself, but if you want peace of mind because of your past experiences, please have them vet checked.
I might call the vet. They never really had anything aggressive. No loud noise when breathing or crackling. Only nose discharge and were treated right away. I guess I'm just a worried mom.
I might call the vet. They never really had anything aggressive. No loud noise when breathing or crackling. Only nose discharge and were treated right away. I guess I'm just a worried mom.

Have you considered a sensitivity to hay dust or pollen rather than a URI?
Not really. How would I go about knowing if they're allergic?

It is a process of elimination. Usually a vet will treat for URI if there is the least suspicion because it is a killer when left untreated.

If sneezing persists, but there are never any other symptoms, then you start looking what else could causing the sneezing. I can well be that the antibiotic has acted as dampener. You can raise these points with your vet, as he is hopefully qualified to make a medical judgment.

Please be aware that guinea pigs often sneeze when they give themselves a piggy wash to clear the nose. 2-5 sneezes a day are not in the worrying category. Sneezing after you have started a new hay bag is also possible. The same goes for ari fresheners, scent sticks, perfumed human skin products etc.
It is a process of elimination. Usually a vet will treat for URI if there is the least suspicion because it is a killer when left untreated.

If sneezing persists, but there are never any other symptoms, then you start looking what else could causing the sneezing. I can well be that the antibiotic has acted as dampener. You can raise these points with your vet, as he is hopefully qualified to make a medical judgment.

Please be aware that guinea pigs often sneeze when they give themselves a piggy wash to clear the nose. 2-5 sneezes a day are not in the worrying category. Sneezing after you have started a new hay bag is also possible. The same goes for ari fresheners, scent sticks, perfumed human skin products etc.
She sneezed a couple times today but I didn't hear it a lot. I'm not even sure I did but I heard her make a weird clicking sound that sounded like it was coming from the inside. It wasn't as loud as the crackling I heard on a video. She has no other symptoms besides that. No discharge and shes eating and drinking.
I'm taking them to the vet tomorrow.
What could this noise be?
She sneezed a couple times today but I didn't hear it a lot. I'm not even sure I did but I heard her make a weird clicking sound that sounded like it was coming from the inside. It wasn't as loud as the crackling I heard on a video. She has no other symptoms besides that. No discharge and shes eating and drinking.
I'm taking them to the vet tomorrow.
What could this noise be?

Slight obstruction in the nose. Guinea pigs have very narrow airways, so you can hear every little blockage pr partial obstruction whether that is from an allergy, something stuck in the nose or a full blown respiratory infection.

She's obviously got a very slightly stuffy nose.
Slight obstruction in the nose. Guinea pigs have very narrow airways, so you can hear every little blockage pr partial obstruction whether that is from an allergy, something stuck in the nose or a full blown respiratory infection.

She's obviously got a very slightly stuffy nose.
Would that be a sign of another URI? What else could be causing the noise?
Is it normal for a pig to get a URI twice in a month? I'm a new owner and this is quite scary.