Guinea pig is constantly sneezing

Ashley M

Junior Guinea Pig
Feb 22, 2022
Reaction score
Hi, I have two guinea pigs, and one of them has been sneezing non-stop all night, but she was nowhere near the hay. We use fleece and give them high-quality hay. I tried to look it up, but I couldn't find anything on the subject, so I am becoming very concerned. Please reply as soon as possible, I'm really worried about her.
Please have your piggy seen by a vet for diagnosis and treatment. Sneezing can be a sign of an upper respiratory infection (URI), so it's best to have her checked out. I hope she's okay 💕

Please do see a vet.

There can be many other causes for sneezing beside being unwell, but its always a good idea to have a vet check them out. It can be because of an irritation in the airway caused by hay dust in the air, irritants in the room such as candles, perfumes, sprays etc.
She would sneeze every 5-10 seconds, but I am in my room, so I don't know if she is still sneezing.
If she is excessively sneezing, then as I said, check for irritants and see a vet.
If she is unwell then you will need to switch from the routine weekly weight checks and instead weigh her daily so you can keep a closer eye on her hay intake (which cannot be done by watching them eat), and syringe feed if necessary.
I will try to take her in the morning.
sorry for the late reply but no need to take her she was perfectly fine this morning and had a lot of energy all day, also no sneezing
I checked her breathing this morning and it sounded normal, so she might have just had some dust stuck in her nose.
Keep a keen eye on her for a few days, glad she has stopped sneezing 😃
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