Junior Guinea Pig
Hi I need serious help for my female Guinea pig rosie she’s 3 about to be 4 years old in a few months and she’s anorexic she started this habit of getting picky with her food but then I noticed she just wanted to eat pellets and drink tons of water until she would no longer eat or so I thought. Until I had an idea to mix up her pellets and some vitamin c treats with water and I have never seen her eat it so fast she was so hungry. But she would not eat her hay or her veggies I took her to a vet and they told me she had GI stasis and prescribed me some pain medication and critical care. She was okay with the critical care for a few days until she didn’t want it at all so I had to force feed her or get creative and add flavors to her critical care. I was so worried I knew this vet wasn’t very knowledgeable on Guinea pigs so I took her to another one and had her X-ray done and what was found out and what I was suspecting was that she had satin syndrome which I know is incurable. I had done research on this prior going to the vet so I had her critical care a different set of pain meds (gabapentin) and her uvb light she will also be taking calcium orally but that has yet to arrive. I take her home feeling better knowing a diagnosis from a knowledgeable vet but it’s been a few days and she still can’t eat veggies and she’s starting to not eat at all. But since I force feed her she’s still here and I feel like it’s a miracle because she’s 640 grams sadly also sometimes when I mix in her pellets with water she’ll eat it alot. But what i noticed is that she picks up her veggies and hay and tries to bite it but then throws it back down as if her mouth is weak. Sometimes it looks like she’s so frustrated that she can’t chew and it makes me so sad. I know she has an appetite because she always tries to bite it but can’t seem to swallow. But the probably is the vet checked her teeth and did an X-ray of only her body not the face and said that her right molar is a bit shorter then the left but that shouldn’t be a big problem and otherwise from that her teeth are perfect. So If something was wrong in her mouth my vet would know. So I don’t know what’s wrong with her but I know whatever is wrong with her CAN BE fixed. So I need help please! I will attach her X-rays and her trying to eat hay but getting frustrated I have tried the thinner version of hay as well orchard but in this video she’s picking at the oat hay. I got her a mix of oat and orchard so she could get weight.