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Guinea Pig Insurance


New Born Pup
Jan 8, 2024
Reaction score
Minnesota, USA
I'm just wondering if it is worth it to get my pigs insured. I'm getting two this summer, both around the age of 1. I know that vet bills can become very costly for larger issues and I don't have much money I'm able to put aside for that. If I do get pet insurance later on, what age would be good to get it for the pigs? Thank you!
It’s really going to come down to your personal opinion on it and most importantly what cover options are available to you. It absolutely can be worth it but equally the excesses and restrictions make it not worth it.
If the pigs have any existing health issues then usually none of those can be insured, so you’d need the money aside for ongoing care.
You really would need to get it straight away otherwise if they suddenly get a costly health issue you won’t be able to insure them, so again, you’d need the money put aside.

We don’t have many insurance options in the UK so a lot of us don’t bother with insurance and instead we have a separate savings account put aside.

A guide to vets fees, insurance and payment support.
I insured my two when they were younger. It only took one tricky abscess and I’d recovered the cost of the premiums. However I agree with @Piggies&buns, once they start excluding previous conditions, you do wonder whether it’s worth the cost of cover when all that’s left covered is the right toe 😬
It's worth you looking into what's available to you. I believe in the US insurance for piggies is better value than in the UK. I think you have far fewer exclusions.
I have a "piggy account". Two days ago when I took the boys for a nail trim and check up it cost me four times what I was expecting as I noticed a hay poke on Dignified Sir George when I took him out of the carrier. I'm so glad I didn't have to think about the cost, also that he was already at the vets.
Thank you all! I'll have a look at the US insurance since I think there's only one option from what I know. I believe it might be around $15 per pig but I'll have a look.