A poorly piggy needs to see a vet. While we can give you support advice, a poorly piggy needs a diagnosis and treatment but I appreciate that is difficult for you.
We cannot know what is wrong her though, nor can we tell you what treatments she needs.
All we can advise you to do is to switch from the routine weekly weight checks and instead weigh your guinea pig dvery day, at the same time every day. This will help you monitor her hay intake more closely. If she loses weight then she isn’t eating enough and you must step in and syringe feed her a fibre rich recovery feed to keep her guts functioning. This isn’t a treatment though and in itself, depending on what is wrong, wont be a way to make your piggy better.
The guides below offer further information but finding her a vet is very important.
Are there rescue centres in your country who may have guinea pigs and may be able to help you find a vet?
Emergency, Crisis and Bridging Care until a Vet Appointment
Not Eating, Weight Loss And The Importance Of Syringe Feeding Fibre
Complete Syringe Feeding Guide
Probiotics, Recovery Foods And Vitamin C: Overview With Product Links
Weight - Monitoring and Management