New Born Pup
Hello everyone,
I need some advice on some x-rays the vet took of my 3yo guinea pig, Chopin. I noticed on monday he looked hunched over and I thought he looked like he was straining to poop. Now, I'm in Canada so everything single vet was closed on monday so I brought him as an emergency on tuesday to get him seen by a vet before his condition could worsen. He was always on the smaller side, usually in between 850 to 900g, but at this point he was now 737g so I was pretty worried.
Now the vet examined him physically and couldn't find anything wrong so she did some x-rays. According to her, the x-rays look rather normal and nothing seemed to worry her but she gave me some Metacam to give him once per day for the next ten days. On the next day I called again because I just couldn't believe there was nothing wrong with him, even though he was - and still is - eating, drinking and pooping, he's hunched over, he's squinting and he's walking weirdly (like kind of hopping, high on his legs). She still had no idea what could be wrong, but she proposed to add buprenorphine to his meds. Thing is, she told me this could cause some drowsiness so I was worried of it causing him to eat less and get gut stasis. I asked to see the x-rays, but she couldn't send them to me, she told me I'd have to go there to view them in person, so that's what I did (which I will include in the comments below).
I'd like to get your opinions on the x-rays. What's wrong with my sweet baby? I'm really scared of loosing him, we just lost his brother a few weeks ago I can't loose him too
As of writing this, there hasn't been much change to his condition except that I'm now force feeding him emeraid sustain and IC cause his weight is still too low. If it can help, the meds (and their strength) and things I have on hand are Enrofloxacin, metoclopramide (0,5 mg/ml), metacam (1.5mg/ml), buprenorphine (0.08mg/ml and which I'd rather not give him unless necessary tbh), Benebac plus in gel, Emeraid Sustain Herbivore, Emeraid IC herbivores.
I need some advice on some x-rays the vet took of my 3yo guinea pig, Chopin. I noticed on monday he looked hunched over and I thought he looked like he was straining to poop. Now, I'm in Canada so everything single vet was closed on monday so I brought him as an emergency on tuesday to get him seen by a vet before his condition could worsen. He was always on the smaller side, usually in between 850 to 900g, but at this point he was now 737g so I was pretty worried.
Now the vet examined him physically and couldn't find anything wrong so she did some x-rays. According to her, the x-rays look rather normal and nothing seemed to worry her but she gave me some Metacam to give him once per day for the next ten days. On the next day I called again because I just couldn't believe there was nothing wrong with him, even though he was - and still is - eating, drinking and pooping, he's hunched over, he's squinting and he's walking weirdly (like kind of hopping, high on his legs). She still had no idea what could be wrong, but she proposed to add buprenorphine to his meds. Thing is, she told me this could cause some drowsiness so I was worried of it causing him to eat less and get gut stasis. I asked to see the x-rays, but she couldn't send them to me, she told me I'd have to go there to view them in person, so that's what I did (which I will include in the comments below).
I'd like to get your opinions on the x-rays. What's wrong with my sweet baby? I'm really scared of loosing him, we just lost his brother a few weeks ago I can't loose him too
As of writing this, there hasn't been much change to his condition except that I'm now force feeding him emeraid sustain and IC cause his weight is still too low. If it can help, the meds (and their strength) and things I have on hand are Enrofloxacin, metoclopramide (0,5 mg/ml), metacam (1.5mg/ml), buprenorphine (0.08mg/ml and which I'd rather not give him unless necessary tbh), Benebac plus in gel, Emeraid Sustain Herbivore, Emeraid IC herbivores.