Guinea pig in new environment


New Born Pup
Sep 29, 2022
Reaction score
United States
Hello All, I am moving into a new apartment in the near future and I was hoping to get some tips on keeping my babies happy and stress free during this transition. Any advice would be much appreciated as I know guinea pigs can become anxious in unfamiliar environments. Thanks in advance! :)
One of the best things is to save bedding from their cage and use it again when you rebuild their cage in your new apartment. That way, everything still smells of them so they will still feel at home.

How far will the journey to your new apartment be? Piggies generally travel very well, and it’s a good idea to give them some hay and snacks in their carrier.

If you use the forum search facility you will find a few threads about moving house with piggies. There are also some about taking piggies on holiday etc which is effectively the same thing
One of the best things is to save bedding from their cage and use it again when you rebuild their cage in your new apartment. That way, everything still smells of them so they will still feel at home.

How far will the journey to your new apartment be? Piggies generally travel very well, and it’s a good idea to give them some hay and snacks in their carrier.

If you use the forum search facility you will find a few threads about moving house with piggies. There are also some about taking piggies on holiday etc which is effectively the same thing
Thank you so much I will definitely try that trick! And the trip is only like 15 minutes down the road at the most. I have two nice and roomie carriers for each boy. I am lucky that there is a small business down the road from me that pet sits small animals such as bunnies and Guinea pigs so I just drop my boys off there if I am ever go away on vacation (not very often). The owner is very responsible and even went to school for vet care. Here is a picture I got recently while my boys were there a couple of days during Halloween :).


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Thank you so much I will definitely try that trick! And the trip is only like 15 minutes down the road at the most. I have two nice and roomie carriers for each boy. I am lucky that there is a small business down the road from me that pet sits small animals such as bunnies and Guinea pigs so I just drop my boys off there if I am ever go away on vacation (not very often). The owner is very responsible and even went to school for vet care. Here is a picture I got recently while my boys were there a couple of days during Halloween :).

do your boys live together in the same cage? If so, then don’t put them in separate carriers - its a good idea to have a big enough carrier that they can both fit in so they can remain together through journeys as if is less stressful for them to always have each other
I use a plastic cat-box! Two can fit in comfortably... and I sometimes just put it in their area for them to play in. There's room in there for a snuggle sack or tunnel just in case we have to do vet runs in the cold weather.
do your boys live together in the same cage? If so, then don’t put them in separate carriers - its a good idea to have a big enough carrier that they can both fit in so they can remain together through journeys as if is less stressful for them to always have each other
No they do not live together, I adopted them from someone who couldn’t care for them anymore and she didn’t bond them properly when they were young. Their cages are next to each other so they can smell and see each other and slightly touch but there is a barrier so they cannot hurt one another. I’ve had multiple video appointments with one of their vets worried they are lonely but she said by how they are acting they are very happy but I’m up for suggestions in regard to bonding or even adopting other piggies in the future if you have any advice :).
No they do not live together, I adopted them from someone who couldn’t care for them anymore and she didn’t bond them properly when they were young. Their cages are next to each other so they can smell and see each other and slightly touch but there is a barrier so they cannot hurt one another. I’ve had multiple video appointments with one of their vets worried they are lonely but she said by how they are acting they are very happy but I’m up for suggestions in regard to bonding or even adopting other piggies in the future if you have any advice :).


If your piggies are not living together, then they need separate carriers.
Next door neighbours that interact on all levels (body language, voice and scent) but have their own territory are not deprived. We have got quite a few 'can't live together but can't live apart' boar pairs on this forum.
It is not so much inadequate bonding but buying babies for looks and not guinea pigs of any age that are carefully personality matched. Guinea pigs are socially much more complex than you'd imagine...

You may find the guide links below interesting as they look at the whole issue of companionship from different angles:
Single Guinea Pigs - Challenges and Responsibilities
A Closer Look At Pairs (Boars - Sows - Mixed)
A Comprehensive Guide to Guinea Pig Boars
Boars: Teenage, Bullying, Fighting, Fall-outs And What Next?
Rescues (Adoption and Dating), Shops, Breeders or Online? - What to consider when getting guinea pigs

Guinea pigs are territorial in the denning area; the more you can transfer the set-up and scent across as the group hierarchy needs to be re-established after every major change. In your case, there won't be a risk of a fall-out but don't be too clean so the scent marking is still there during the move and the new place tells them on a gut level that it is earmarked for them. It will help to reduce the stress of the new surroundings, smells and noises quite a bit.
Thank you so much! This is such awesome information! And yes they do have their own carriers which is a good thing. I’m happy to know they aren’t deprived even though they aren’t in the same cage. They love touching noses and then turning around and popcorning the other direction it’s just so strange they cannot live in the same area. The territorial part you mentioned makes so much senses. I’ve tried to do some bonding techniques I’ve read about on here but sadly nothing works and that’s okay. Thank you again :).
Thank you so much! This is such awesome information! And yes they do have their own carriers which is a good thing. I’m happy to know they aren’t deprived even though they aren’t in the same cage. They love touching noses and then turning around and popcorning the other direction it’s just so strange they cannot live in the same area. The territorial part you mentioned makes so much senses. I’ve tried to do some bonding techniques I’ve read about on here but sadly nothing works and that’s okay. Thank you again :).

Once piggies agree that they do not suit, there is nothing you can do. You cannot change their personalities.