It's never easy when they're skittish and hard to catch,
I've found with my new girls who are quite skittish that gently directing her into a corner and coming with one hand on the side of her body and one in front of her head seems to be a quick way to get hold of her for me,
It minimises the amount of chasing around the cage which is important when you need to check them over for health and stuff each week,
I've been told this is barbaric in the past?
But at the end of the day:
A guinea pig is going to get used to you by being held and picked up, this way they arnt being chased around for a long time, and if you don't have a long time to coex then into boxes and such, then this is a good method to reduce stress.
But my other girl Baby seems to be happier of I turn her plastic hut over and she runs into it and I pick her up that way,
Although I wouldn't just pick her up in the Hut, I did that once with Georgia and she and the Hut fell backwards off a two story hutch while I tried to get Lottie out, it was horrific for everyone involved although Georgia was unhurt I was horrified :/ :/
I've read about using logs and such to pick them up but I've never liked doing that because my girls shoot out of the logs at fist chance which can end in some sticky situations like losing them or dropping them and it just makes me nervous.
When it comes to wiggly piggies I find a good grip is helpful, make sure you've got one hand underneath their stomachs and I tend to have a hand holding them close to my chest
This way they can't really wiggle around much,
But it's also helpful to build up time when getting them out for cuddles
A few minutes for new pigs and building up to 5,10,15 minutes as they get more relaxed with you
You can normal tell when they want to go back because they get very agitated and more around a lot
Sometimes they will nip your clothing.
You'll get there don't worry