Guinea Pig Ignoring New Companion?

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Junior Guinea Pig
Jun 10, 2015
Reaction score
I recently had to say goodbye to my 3 year old boy after many bladder problems. After some discussions on this forum and with guinea minded friends I got my boy that was left behind a young 5 week old friend as he looked a bit sad- sleeping more and picky with food but not his veg. He's had his new friend for 2 days after dating him with 4 (the older ones bullied him and this wee guy was the youngest the lady had). But to be honest my older pig just blanks the baby. He lets him sleep under shelf with him but turns his back on him. There's the occasional rubblestrut from mine but then after about 5 secs he walks away to do his own thing. I just find this a bit weird- do u think he actually doesn't want a friend? He still sleep a lot but I got him different hay which is now munches well. Even during floor time he acts like the wee one doesn't exist. I even pick the wee guy up and he didn't even notice he'd gone.
Also was wondering if I should do a trial separation to see if he would miss the wee one?
It's difficult to say; you can try and see whether he is bothered or not, but you may find that he is still glad about having company.
Thanks wiebke- we are just so confused! And to be 100% honest I'd rather he just coped on his own as I didn't want another piggie. I also feel that the wee one deserves a companion that actually cares he exists! I'm gonna give them another day to see if there's anymore interaction and if not I will separate then for a day or so to note the difference. I just expected a lot more change/interaction in Pig if he had wanted a friend.
Has anyone else seen or heard of this behaviour before? Just want to make sure I do the right thing? Thanks
Before Cookie passed away, I had the same thing with two females, Cookie and Smudge. I introduced them after their partners both died, and it took a few attempts just to aggression issues and my inexperience! But they got on okay after that. However, they'd both life on separate floors on my hutch and blank each other, if thats similar to what you're experiencing now. It got better towards the end of Cookie's life before she got put to sleep due to a womb infection, but that was nearly two months after introducing them xx
I would not worry as they are not fighting. When I got 4 week old Peanut Butter for my 7 month old Hazelnut (boys) PB followed Hazelnut everywhere & tried to do everything he was doing. But Hazelnut just ignored him for the longest time. It took an entire year before they would actually snuggle together. They are now 3 & 4 years old & well bonded.
Has anyone else seen or heard of this behaviour before? Just want to make sure I do the right thing? Thanks
I got a new baby to keep an elderly pig company and the elderly one Ignored the baby for two or so days but on the third day I came down and they were cleaning each other! If they are still blanking each other, try a trial separation x Good luck!
My guinea pigs Blitz and Hodgens ignore eachother all day and they rarely interact together, he's ppb just being indifferent to him but I bet he's secretly glad for the company just because he doesn't pay him any mind doesn't mean he doesn't like him or like having a friend, I'd say if there's no bloodshed then leave them to be together.
Thank you all for your input. I'm away with work today but my boyfriends just called to say Pig is still showing no interest and couldn't care less if the wee one is there or not. Will give it another day to see if anything changes before considering a trial separation. I'm proper stressed about making sure I do the right thing for both piggies and us humans!
My boys were together when I got them, and though they don't argue that much, there is never much sign of affection to each other in the way rabbits would be (grooming, cuddling up etc), they just seem happy pleasing themselves and but I am sure the fact they have each other for warmth, and safety in numbers counts for something in the piggie world. They probably wouldn't give a monkeys if the other went but they would miss the other piggie to hassle, or steal food from and that in itself is entertainment on a daily basis for them. :tu:
Not all pigs will interact a whole lot or cuddle up together, but it doesn't necessarily mean that there isn't a bond there or that they don't appreciate the other pig or aren't happy with company. Honestly, the biggest difference I see with my pigs alone versus my pigs together is confidence (my lone pigs were noticeably more fearful and cautious) and energy (lone pigs are less likely to play and explore- which may also be a confidence thing.) Pigs in the wild live with other pigs for safety as much as companionship. They aren't humans, so expecting them to form what looks to us like a 'friendship' is maybe not that realistic in all cases. Sure, some pigs may groom each other, chase each other around, etc., but it can take time for that behavior to develop, and other pigs may never show it, but it doesn't mean that a bond doesn't exist and that the pigs involved would be better off alone.

We recently went through an introduction with a surviving pig and a new pig after our 6-year-old dominant sow passed away. Bonding went well- no fights, the little one came out dominant, and both pigs were happier. But again, I can see they are happier because they have a lot more confidence and are a lot more laid back as a pair, whereas both were nervous/skittish on their own, not necessarily because they cuddle up all the time or are otherwise inseparable. Pig friendships, to me, often look like mutual tolerance. Pigs who coexist peacefully like one another. If they don't like each other, you'll know! I don't think there's anything abnormal with what you're seeing, especially with an age gap. Whereas two babies may wind each other up, my older/baby pairs generally involve baby sucking up, bouncing around, and the older pig watching them as if they can't figure out what the heck this little ball of fur is doing!
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