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Guinea pig hygiene


Junior Guinea Pig
Jun 12, 2024
Reaction score
I would like to ask a question about their hygiene. I know that frequent bathing is not recommended. I only bathed my boar once when I bought him because he was infested with mites.

I have a boar that normally cleans every corner of his body. However, my other boar has a tilt head, and he can't clean some parts of his body, which ends up getting very dirty over time.

He is simply very clumsy and ends up getting dirty with everything, resulting in him turning green from vegetables or dirty from urine. And my fear is that his fur or skin will develop fungus because he can't clean himself.

I'm trying to wipe the dirtiest areas with a damp cloth and then with a dry cloth, at least once a week. Is this okay? Or can this be harmful? Or is there a better way to clean him?

Apart from the tilt head, he is healthy, eats well, drinks water, runs and does everything normally, the problem at the moment is just his hygiene. I clean the cage everyday, everything in the cage is clean, the other boar is very clean too because he clean himself.

These photos were taken today, completing 1 week without cleaning him. If I leave him any longer without cleaning it, it will only get worse and worse.

I would like to ask a question about their hygiene. I know that frequent bathing is not recommended. I only bathed my boar once when I bought him because he was infested with mites.

I have a boar that normally cleans every corner of his body. However, my other boar has a tilt head, and he can't clean some parts of his body, which ends up getting very dirty over time.

He is simply very clumsy and ends up getting dirty with everything, resulting in him turning green from vegetables or dirty from urine. And my fear is that his fur or skin will develop fungus because he can't clean himself.

I'm trying to wipe the dirtiest areas with a damp cloth and then with a dry cloth, at least once a week. Is this okay? Or can this be harmful? Or is there a better way to clean him?

Apart from the tilt head, he is healthy, eats well, drinks water, runs and does everything normally, the problem at the moment is just his hygiene. I clean the cage everyday, everything in the cage is clean, the other boar is very clean too because he clean himself.

These photos were taken today, completing 1 week without cleaning him. If I leave him any longer without cleaning it, it will only get worse and worse.

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That is fine. Please also give Momo a regular brush of his coat to help spread the oil through his coat which he is unable to do. For short-hair piggies a soft small pet/small dog brush is recommended

That is fine. Please also give Momo a regular brush of his coat to help spread the oil through his coat which he is unable to do. For short-hair piggies a soft small pet/small dog brush is recommended

Thanks a lot @Wiebke,
Do you think I should brush with a little bit of coconut oil once in a while?
Thanks a lot @Wiebke,
Do you think I should brush with a little bit of coconut oil once in a while?

Not if a daily gentle brush does the trick. There is nothing wrong with his grease gland; just with the distribution across the body.

Brushing help is perfectly adequate for my arthritic elderly piggies who also can no longer do the distribution. They do not need extra oil. ;)
Not if a daily gentle brush does the trick. There is nothing wrong with his grease gland; just with the distribution across the body.

Brushing help is perfectly adequate for my arthritic elderly piggies who also can no longer do the distribution. They do not need extra oil. ;)

Thank you very much! I will keep brushing him regularly.