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Guinea pig Huffing air


New Born Pup
Feb 19, 2024
Reaction score
Hello everyone!
A few days ago I got my first ever guinea pig. It’s a 2 months-old boy. We are still getting used to each other, he still gets frightened of me sometimes when I come close to him, but nevertheless he seems in perfect health - he is eating constantly, drinking water, playing along sometimes. The thing that bothers me is that every now and then he huffs (he doesn’t sneeze, I made a research and it’s not sneezing) mainly when he is eating. Since I’m new to the whole guinea pig thing I got concerned and I looked trough some forums and opinions and most people said that even though it’s not very common it is also not harmful and some piggies just have the tendency to do it in order to clean their airways, to show annoyance or just without any specific reason. So I wanted to ask what do you guys think, is it something to be concerned about or it is just a normal guinea pig behaviour?
Thank you in advance!
It’s a bit tricky for us to answer definitively in your case - they can huff in annoyance or to clear airways but if you are at all concerned about him then you should see a vet.

Please do also note that guinea pigs always need to be kept in pairs so please do look to get him a same sex friend. They are highly social animals and struggle when kept by themselves.
It’s a bit tricky for us to answer definitively in your case - they can huff in annoyance or to clear airways but if you are at all concerned about him then you should see a vet.

Please do also note that guinea pigs always need to be kept in pairs so please do look to get him a same sex friend. They are highly social animals and struggle when kept by themselves.
Thank you for your reply :) I was thinking about visiting the vet but the piggy is still very new and still very very nervous and I’ll have to drive to the vet which I imagine will be hell of a stress for him. I don’t want to purposefully make him sick, because other than that like I mentioned he is completely fine - eats a lot, drinks water and plays (especially when I change his bedding, that makes him extremely happy) so since I’m still not very familiar with piggies I don’t want to stress him out over false alarm.