Guinea Pig Hideys


New Born Pup
Feb 24, 2022
Reaction score
United Kingdom
Hi all,

I recently did a post regarding my guinea pig Persephone who we were told had an incurable bladder tumour. I ended up taking her to Chine House to see Craig for a second opinion who believes it might actually be in her womb and that she needs to be spayed next week instead.

My pigs currently use cuddle sacks that they are incredibly attached to because they refuse to use any other kind of bed. I am conscious that when they sit in there for a while, there's a chance they could be sitting in their wee which makes me concerned about their feet and the surgery sites next week.

Does anyone have any recommendations for other beds/Hideys? Preferably ones that can have wee pads put in and switched out. I'd like them to still feel hidden but so I can still keep an eye on them.

Thank you!
I like Fuzzbutts hooj cubes. They’re sturdily made, have 2 entrances and survive repeated washing. I make my own pee pads to fit inside, but I think CandE cosies does some that would fit.


Also, just remembered, when Marnie and Nala were old and unwell I cut pieces of vetbed to line their beds. Maybe you could use that after surgery?
I can also recommend Fuzzbutts beds. If you message the website the owner will make you some extra pads for them for a small charge.
Fuzzbutts are very popular here too. For my oldies who don't move around so much I put some folded newspaper in the bottom with a piece of vetbed on the top to absorb the urine, which is also a good idea for post surgery piggies.
I like Fuzzbutts hooj cubes. They’re sturdily made, have 2 entrances and survive repeated washing. I make my own pee pads to fit inside, but I think CandE cosies does some that would fit.

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Also, just remembered, when Marnie and Nala were old and unwell I cut pieces of vetbed to line their beds. Maybe you could use that after surgery?
Thank you so much
Hi all,
I apologise for not responding on this thread sooner. Unfortunately Persephone deteriorated significantly and went into emergency surgery which she unfortunately did not to wake up from. We are devastated and currently caring for our bereaved pig who we are in the process of finding a cagemate for.
Thank you for all your advice
Hi all,
I apologise for not responding on this thread sooner. Unfortunately Persephone deteriorated significantly and went into emergency surgery which she unfortunately did not to wake up from. We are devastated and currently caring for our bereaved pig who we are in the process of finding a cagemate for.
Thank you for all your advice
So sorry 🤗🤗
I am so sorry Persephone had to leave and cross the Rainbow Bridge,. Popcorn happily Persephone now pain free in fields of your favourite treats surrounded by other guinea friends 🌈
I am sorry Persephone had to leave you and her companion. You tried so hard for her but the bridge called her away to popcorn free in the hay meadows.
The happy times you had will stay with you and I hope your other piggy finds a companion soon
Rest peacefully Persephone 🌈
Sorry to hear the you lost your beautiful girl. I hope that you can find your bereaved piggy a suitable friend, there are lots of piggies in rescues at the moment looking for a new home.xx
Hi all,
I apologise for not responding on this thread sooner. Unfortunately Persephone deteriorated significantly and went into emergency surgery which she unfortunately did not to wake up from. We are devastated and currently caring for our bereaved pig who we are in the process of finding a cagemate for.
Thank you for all your advice
So sorry to read this sad news.
Be gentle with yourself as you grieve.
Holding you in my heart ♥️