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Guinea pig head twitching?


New Born Pup
Jul 15, 2024
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Hi everyone, I’ve noticed my 3 year old pig Sparkles has been having some strange head movements especially when he’s laying down resting. I took him to the vet this morning and they suspect it may be a neurological issue. They provided me with some neuro supplements for him but I’m still quite worried. I’m thinking of bringing him to another vet for a second opinion tomorrow as I don’t want to stress him out from travelling too frequently. Would like to know if anyone have similar experiences and any way I can help my pig.
Hi everyone, I’ve noticed my 3 year old pig Sparkles has been having some strange head movements especially when he’s laying down resting. I took him to the vet this morning and they suspect it may be a neurological issue. They provided me with some neuro supplements for him but I’m still quite worried. I’m thinking of bringing him to another vet for a second opinion tomorrow as I don’t want to stress him out from travelling too frequently. Would like to know if anyone have similar experiences and any way I can help my pig.

He looks to me like he is just chewing on some cud in his mouth a little?
URI doesn't cause any neurological issues, so please try to get that out of your mind. :tu:

Here are some very practical and simple tips for anxiety sufferers and their supporters that can make a real difference: Pet Owners Anxiety - Practical Tips For Sufferers and For Supporters
Thank you, I must admit I developed an anxiety ever since I lost my first guinea pig Bubbles 6 days ago to pneumonia. I will take a good read on the article you shared. Thanks again.
Thank you, I must admit I developed an anxiety ever since I lost my first guinea pig Bubbles 6 days ago to pneumonia. I will take a good read on the article you shared. Thanks again.

Your remaining boy doesn't show any symptoms of a serious URI/pneumonia to me; there is no clicking in the chest, apathy and loss of appetite, no sign of any strained, heaving breathing etc.

What I see is a drowsing piggy just doing a bit of chewing on cud (something that is not unusual) as he drifts in and out during one of the lighter sleep/dream phases. He may be dreaming about eating. ;)

Please also take the time to read these guides which may also find helpful. Please accept that your remaining boy is currently in quarantine for 2-3 weeks. We do however find that most cases pneumonia and URI don't infect healthy companion; they mostly affect guinea pigs with a lowered immune system/underlying health issues that cannot fend off the bug.

Human Bereavement: Grieving, Processing and Support Links for Guinea Pig Owners and Their Children
Looking After a Bereaved Guinea Pig
He looks to me like he is just chewing on some cud in his mouth a little?
Polo does this often. It's like he's chewing gum, but he's lying with his weight on his jaw and can't move his jaw fully, so it wobbles up and down. He often eats like this as well, lying on the rim of the bowl. He's got the snoozies mid meal, I think. I hope it doesn't mean there's something wrong, but I don't think so.