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Guinea pig head tilting suddenly


New Born Pup
Sep 12, 2020
Reaction score
hi! My 3 month old guinea pig is suddenly tilting her head to the left. She was acting normal yesterday and is still eating normally. I checked her ears and they seemed fine. However i noticed the corners of her eye was darker. Any idea what it could be? Thank you!
A vet visit is recommended. Only a hands on examination by a vet will be able to confirm what the problem is. You piggy will be given the appropriate treatment. Let us know how you get on at the vets.
Thank you! The only vet that works with guinea pigs in my area is only available on fridays though. I’ll keep a closer eye on her in the meantime.
Your piggy really needs to see a vet before Friday. Is there not another vet who can look at her anyway even if they aren’t piggy specialist? .Head tilt can be a sign of an ear infection so she will need treatment. You won’t be able to look at her ears properly yourself so you can’t confirm they are fine.
That's a bit difficult then! Can you make an appointment for Friday?
Unfortunately no, the isn’t any other vet that works with guinea pigs in my area. I will have to wait until friday to get her checked out😔 is there anything i can do to help her in the meantime?
There is nothing you can do in the meantime - she needs diagnosis and prescribed treatment from a vet. She definitely needs to see a vet before Friday. I would suggest you keep ringing the vet daily to see if you can get an appointment or a cancellation slot. All you can do is make sure she is still eating enough hay by monitoring her weight and stepping in with syringe feeding if her weight drops beyond normal fluctuations.
Your piggy really needs to see a vet before Friday. Is there not another vet who can look at her anyway even if they aren’t piggy specialist? .Head tilt can be a sign of an ear infection so she will need treatment. You won’t be able to look at her ears properly yourself so you can’t confirm they are fine.
There is one! I’ll take her tomorrow and hoping it isn’t anything serious.