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Guinea pig head tilt, hooting


New Born Pup
May 23, 2023
Reaction score
My guinea pig, Cookie, has a head tilt and a ,, hooting" sound when he sniffs. We brang him to the vet a few times and they said it might either be an ear infection or a neurological problem (e-cuniculi). The vet prescribed a 2 week course of antibiotics for the ear infection but it didn't seem to work, though I think it did heal him from discharge from the nose.

They gave us a longer course of antibiotics for a month and also told us to start giving him panacur, if it is a parasite (neuro) problem. I didn't finish the antibiotic course, were still giving him it, but he still isn't getting better. The vet knows it's not something like pneumonia. Did anyone elses guinea pig have a problem like this, a head tilt or a ,, hooting" sound when sniffing?
Also, he did have cold like symptoms but the antibiotics stopped some of them, but he still sneezes after the ,,hoots'x