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Guinea pig having some sort of breathing issue for a while now.


New Born Pup
Dec 12, 2022
Reaction score
Levittown, Pa
Hi everyone! My Guinea pig Lenny has had some sort of breathing issue for almost a year now. Its not life threating currently, but it has been in the past. We've gone to 2 veternarians in that time frame and they both seem stumped on what his issue is.

In the beginning of this issue Lenny was severely congested to the point he was gasping for air. He doesnt have discharge coming out of his nose or watery eyes. Lenny is currently eating and drinking fine just has some effort breathing normally The first vet I went to said Lenny was severly congested and not a uri or any other lung infection. He gave him some Saline drops to put in his nose and antibiotics and that did seem to work with so he isn't gasping for air anymore, but he was still wheazing.

I kept coming back to that vet several times because whatever lenny has was still hanging around, but not as severe just weazing and having a slight effort breathing. My first vet kept proscribing him new antibiotics and steroids but nothing was working so i decided to try a different veterinarian.

The new vet said all the medications my previous vet proscribed should of worked but he was thinking the dosage was too low. Then he gave Lenny xrays of his lungs and said he had pneumonia so he proscribed him antibiotics and we were to come back for our checkout 2 weeks later. After 2 weeks still no improvement. During that checkup my vet says Lenny doesn't have pneumonia and he doesn't really know what his issue is and that i just have to give him extra vitamin C to boost his immune system. That was about 2 months ago.

I've been giving him extra Vitamin C in his water and almost every day 4 drops I'm his mouth and nothing has worked. I don't want to keep taking him to the vet so they can keep proscribing medications that don't work. It's not healthy for him.

Lenny is currently eating, Drinking, peeing and pooping normally. His wheezing comes and gos sometimes hes kind of loud and other times hes completely quiet. He's the loudest is when he eats his veggies. I've noticed after he drinks water he isn't as loud it goes away. This isn't currently life threating, but I'm sure this is uncomfortable for him to be dealing with this for almost a year. I have a video of him but it won't post :/
To post a video, you need to upload to YouTube first and then post a link to it on YouTube here. The forum cannot host video directly.

During this time, have you tried changing his hay or bedding at all?
Have you ensured there are no irritants in the room - candles, air fresheners, perfumes or sprays?
Is the air quite dry?
Perhaps he is allergic to something?
We used to use a nebuliser with our rats who had long term respiratory problems to clear out any congestion.
May be worth discussing with your vet 😊
To post a video, you need to upload to YouTube first and then post a link to it on YouTube here. The forum cannot host video directly.

During this time, have you tried changing his hay or bedding at all?
Have you ensured there are no irritants in the room - candles, air fresheners, perfumes or sprays?
Is the air quite
To post a video, you need to upload to YouTube first and then post a link to it on YouTube here. The forum cannot host video directly.

During this time, have you tried changing his hay or bedding at all?
Have you ensured there are no irritants in the room - candles, air fresheners, perfumes or sprays?
Is the air quite dry?
Both my veternarians were asking me if it were allergies, but I don't think allergies is the reason. I've had Lenny for about 2 years now and I've been using the same hay I don't overly use any candles or perfumes that would cause this.

I also should mention that a period before Lenny had his breathing issue his teeth were overgrown and he stopped eating so I had to take him to the vet to get them trimmed and during that time we didn't want to eat since they were cut so I have to give him critical care everyday and I'm not sure if somehow he aspirated that food because ever since then this started happening.
Hi, sorry to hear Lenny is having breathing issues. I had a similar situation this time last year with my Rainbow 🌈 piggie Susie.

Noticed about 6 months after she was born she seemed to have faster and more noisy breathing than my other four piggies. The only way I can describe it is like an angry child taking a huff, huffing and puffing.

She later then began getting mucus around her nose causing her nose to crust over, which made her breathing even more difficult. I also visited numerous vets and not one could tell me what was going on, she was put on various antibiotics, baytril, sulfatrim (which worked at first but returned) and metronidazole which sent her into stasis. After that I was referred to an exotics specialist.

I then found out that her problem was similar to a human deviated septum and the bacteria within her nose present was more than normal. I also found out the poor girl was also suffering with a heart murmur. She was put back onto sulfatrim and I was advised to nebulize her everyday using F10 antiseptic diluted down.

She finished her course of sulfatrim and I carried on with nebulisation for 9 months after until I unfortunately lost her post surgery and it did work. Her breathing was still a little quicker and sometimes a bit noisy but the mucus and crust around her nose cleared.

Just an idea but maybe mention about nebulisation next time you visit your vet. Hope Lenny is OK and you get to the bottom of this problem. Please keep us posted.
Thank you everyone for your advice! I took him to the vet for another reason besides his breathing because now he has an eye infection and I've also noticed a couple weeks ago he has a mass around his abdomen. I got ointment for his eye and X-rays and turns out I was right, It is a mass and it's possibly cancer.
Thank you everyone for your advice! I took him to the vet for another reason besides his breathing because now he has an eye infection and I've also noticed a couple weeks ago he has a mass around his abdomen. I got ointment for his eye and X-rays and turns out I was right, It is a mass and it's possibly cancer.
Awww I'm so sorry to hear about Lenny. I've got my fingers firmly crossed that it is nothing serious. I've got you and Lenny in my thoughts x