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Guinea pig hair loss


New Born Pup
Sep 15, 2024
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I was out of town this week and my mom was watching my girls. She said she didn’t notice anything but half of them had strange skin problems. I have a vet appointment for Monday but I wanted to know what to do until then. They have been separated and everything is being disinfected. Any help would be greatly appreciated, thank you!


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If all the piggies were in the same cage, I'd recommend getting all of the piggies checked just in case what you're dealing with is contagious. Sorry I can't offer much more advice than that. Hope all goes well at the vets.
Welcome to the forum

The pictures aren’t clear enough to see but I think you are referring to a patch around the eye in the first picture. I can’t really see much in pictures 2 and 3.
If it is the patch around the eye then it could be ringworm.
Are they new piggies?

Best thing is to do nothing other than ensure hygiene.
Don’t be tempted to put any treatments on then as you wipe the scene and make it hard for a vet to diagnose accurately. There is nothing you can do until they have seen a vet. If it is the eye you are referring to, then please exercise strict hygiene in case it is ringworm. Ringworm spreads to humans too so make sure you are washing your hands and clothes you wear when handling the piggies etc, . Ringworm can live in the environment for 18 months or so it is important to ensure you aren’t spreading any spores around to perpetuate any infection.
Disinfect the cage with F10 regularly. Wash fabric bedding hot.
The guide I will link in explains everything fully including the cleaning measures, just in case it is a ringworm diagnosis.

What I can say is that you need to reunite your piggies (on neutral territory). Separating them is not necessary and can harm their bond permanently (separating in medical grounds can cause them to refuse to go back together).
If it is something like ringworm then separating them now serves no purpose other than to cause them stress. All piggies would already been exposed to any contagion, so all need treating making separating futile.
Please ensure all piggies are taken to the vet.

Good luck at the vets on Monday. Don’t put anything on the dry skin until the vet has seen it as the vet will need to see it as it is to make a proper diagnosis.

Until you see the vet I’d practice very stringent hygiene. If it is ringworm then it can be spread to humans too. Good luck.