Guinea Pig Grooming

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Big G

Junior Guinea Pig
Jul 12, 2015
Reaction score
Hi everyone

We have 2 long haired guinea pigs, one is about 18 months old and the other is 2 months.
The problem i have is with grooming.

I've only put the young one in a bath twice so far, he seemed to enjoy it etc.
Although i've not attempted to clip his nails and he doesnt need a hair cut yet anyway.

The problem is with the older one.
We went through a spell of him sitting quite well for nail clipping, now he just plays up!
Wont sit at piece, does these big leaps to get away from me holding his leg etc.
I tried cutting his nails today and only managed to get one of bag feet done before i gave up!

Can anyone offer some advice or does anyone know someone local who can offer nail clipping (and hair cuts) for these 2 piggies in Lanarkshire?

:D Is there a reason why you have bathed the young one twice already? Piggies really only need a bath about once every three months, unless for a medical reason. When clipping nails, try to distract his attention with a treat; a piece of veg or parsley or the like. Or get someone else to hold him while you clip the nails. Your vet will clip the nails for you, if you are uneasy about doing it. I wouldn't think that the nails would be terribly long at only 18 months old. Hope this helps.
Hi 7squeakers
Thanks for the reply.

Sorry, my mistake, the little one has only been bathed once. (yesterday)
We only did it as the older one was getting a bath etc etc

I dont really know what other people's definition of long is. I'll try and take a photo or two and post them up.
I agree with 7squeakers, as if someone else held him it would be a lot harder for him to pull away, especially if he was distracted by the veg. Our guinea pig is exactly the same with nail clipping and will try his hardest to make it the most difficult job on earth!
The 1st photo shows the older piggy's nails.
The rest are for the wee one.

I actually managed to get the young one (Ernie) to sit still and just took off the very tips of his back nails. His fronts look too short to trim anyway






Sorry, just realised that the first photo is blurry.
Will post another
:D Those nails look fine to me. Generally nails only need trimming about every six weeks or so. Though it may depend on the surface that the pigs are living on.
These photos are better of my older piggy




Ok, thanks.
They're both in a big hutch. Loads of straw for bedding, which is replaced or added to daily.
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