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Guinea pig green drool?


New Born Pup
Dec 12, 2023
Reaction score
de queen arkansas
Our guinea pig squeaker was having trouble eating and lost .5 pounds before we took him to a vet who trimmed his bottom teeth after which we noticed him drooling like crazy and has seem to be having trouble moving so we've been making sure he has plenty of water and still is eating and he's been doing both but now his entire front has turn green and we're not sure if it's molding and what to do about it? It's been about 3 - 4 days since we visited the vet at time of posting

I would see the vet again. The green is likely where he is drooling after he’s eaten. It sadly sounds like the original dental problem hasn’t been fully dealt with properly 😞

Please switch from weighing him weekly to weighing him daily. If he’s losing weight, he isn’t eating enough hay and you’ll need to syringe feed him to keep his weight up x

All About Syringe Feeding and Medicating Guinea Pigs with Videos and Pictures