Guinea Pig Going Through A Weird 'phase'?

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Junior Guinea Pig
Jun 27, 2016
Reaction score
Liverpool, UK
Hi all,

We have two brothers who are about 7-8 months old now. The bigger one, Gus, has always been super confident from day one, approaching us when we had food from even a week or two in and generally very confident. He quite happily would be picked up for petting/hugs and stay with you on the sofa as you sat there, just very sociable and rarely an issue (except for getting too comfortable and weeing). Peanut, the smaller one, has taken a long time to settle in but now he's very comfortable, too, just easily scared and quite gentle.

Our problem is that recently Gus has started to become totally different. He completely spurns hugs/cuddles, at any time, and has nibbled/bit on two occasions in the past week. He seems to constantly try and bully and row with Peanut (they haven't established any sort of hierachy, I don't think, as Peanut has always held his own when things have got heated, and they both occasionally do the old chins-above/humping dominance games) and just seems a bit out of sorts - not really wanting anyone's attention and like I said chasing and bullying peanut.

Any advice? Just a 'phase' as they're still young and hormonal?

Thank you!
I would get Gus checked over by a vet. As he may be in pain, maybe that's why he's suddenly against being picked up?
Either that or he's being a little terror. Lol.
Hi all,

We have two brothers who are about 7-8 months old now. The bigger one, Gus, has always been super confident from day one, approaching us when we had food from even a week or two in and generally very confident. He quite happily would be picked up for petting/hugs and stay with you on the sofa as you sat there, just very sociable and rarely an issue (except for getting too comfortable and weeing). Peanut, the smaller one, has taken a long time to settle in but now he's very comfortable, too, just easily scared and quite gentle.

Our problem is that recently Gus has started to become totally different. He completely spurns hugs/cuddles, at any time, and has nibbled/bit on two occasions in the past week. He seems to constantly try and bully and row with Peanut (they haven't established any sort of hierachy, I don't think, as Peanut has always held his own when things have got heated, and they both occasionally do the old chins-above/humping dominance games) and just seems a bit out of sorts - not really wanting anyone's attention and like I said chasing and bullying peanut.

Any advice? Just a 'phase' as they're still young and hormonal?

Thank you!

Hi and welcome!

It can be a spike of testosterone (your boy is currently right in the middle of the teenage hormones), but to be on the safe side, have him checked out by a vet for mange mites. With a sudden major change in behaviour it is always prudent to close out the medical angle.
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