New Born Pup
My guinea pig has a bit of blue on her fur and I'm a bit worried if it could be something bad! Though I think it might just be from her toys...
My guinea pig has a bit of blue on her fur and I'm a bit worried if it could be something bad! Though I think it might just be from her toys...
I'm in uk and I think it's the toy (I got it at petsathome)Hi
Please check her surroundings for items in that colour and remove them asap as not suitable.
Here are lots of ideas for safe and suitable enrichment: Enrichment Ideas for Guinea Pigs
OK thank youif bits of it are coming off, then definitely remove the toy. Piggies don’t need commercial toys in any event.
A big pile of hay, cardboard boxes filled with hay and their veggies hidden in piles of hay are great enrichment and fun for piggies.