Guinea pig fights?


New Born Pup
Jan 9, 2022
Reaction score
I've recently taken over the care of 2 pigs from my sister, theyre both male and have been together since birth.

Ive recently moved them into a 2x4 c&c cage, they've been in there for around 3 days and suddenly they seem to be constantly fighting for dominance.

Could this be as a result of the cage change? Or could there be something else at play?

I'm worried as I'm not sure how to tell whether they're just sorting out their pecking order again or whether something may be wrong. The one guinea pig is chasing and trying to mount the other and is purposely seeking this out (its not a spat over both of them being at the same bowl or in the same space).
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Yes a change in environment will cause them to reestablish their relationship. In a well bonded pair this will result in a few days/ a week of dominance behaviours (dominance behaviours isn’t fighting) then will settle down. Keep an eye on them and ensure it only remains mild dominance and doesn’t spill over into more aggression/fights - this would indicate that there are deeper problems in their relationship and if a fight breaks out it would sadly require a permanent separation.

Ensure all hides have two exits so no piggy can get cornered by the other and ensure you handle the dominant piggy first so that you respect their hierarchy.

How old are they?

Also, keep an eye on the cage size. Some boar pairs will be fine in a 2x4 (it is the minimum size needed for a pair of boars) but a lot will need more room and a 2x5 is the recommended size for boars.

A Comprehensive Guide to Guinea Pig Boars
Dominance Behaviours In Guinea Pigs
Boars: Teenage, Bullying, Fighting, Fall-outs And What Next?
Thanks for the response! They seem to have gone back to normal now, I wasnt sure whether to interfere or let them sort it out as I was worried it seemed quite aggressive at one point. I've only had them for a few days now, so still getting the hang of their behaviours!

I'm not too sure on their ages as my sister was the one who bought them, but they must be around 1ish now.

And as for the cage, they were in way too small a cage before, so I just got this cage to get them out ASAP. I'll definitely look into extending it soon!