Junior Guinea Pig
I've been trying to introduce my girls to each other (3 in one cage, 2 in the other) but they always get extremely angry and it gets to the point where they are up on their hind legs fighting and biting and chattering their teeth. I have tried several times to introduce but have separated them. I'd also rather not introduce them now as Scruff is very very old and frail now, and she got knocked over by Peep while she was jumping over her in some crazy dominance thing. Should I wait until I feel Scruff is stable enough to fend for herself? Or would it be okay to introduce her? I'm just so worried she'll get injured and hurt and I'm not sure how long she's got left. But if anyone knows of ways I can introduce them without getting anyone severely damaged please do tell as that would be great, thanks.
- 5littlepigs
- 5littlepigs