My 2 males have been together for almost 8 months. These 2 were rescues so I am unsure about the specific age, but I believe one is getting close or is 1 year old and the other is probably 2-3 months older than that one. I am guessing based on testes dropping at least 8 months ago for 1 and the others dropped probably 6 months ago. Anyways, no problem living in 2 X 4 cage for over 8 months and suddenly the younger one is chattering, humping, biting the older one. I have put a separator in their cage temporarily till I decide what to do. They seem fine with that. No chattering unless I place the younger one on the older ones side of the cage. Do still eat veggies together, but younger one will start to chatter after a while and is then removed. Any similar situations? Will this blow over or is the younger one too dominant?