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Guinea pig Eye


New Born Pup
Nov 8, 2023
Reaction score
I am having a bit of trouble with a hay poke in my guinea pigs eye. Its medium sized but I kept trying to get it out of my guinea pigs eye for so long that it got wet and sticks to my guinea pigs eye. I don't have any idea for how to get it out because I feel at this point not even tweezers would work. I kept trying to rub it out of my guinea pigs eye but it kept sticking and my guinea pig is really dissagreeable and couldn't stay still for very long. It also got very dark when it got more wet so it became harder to see. I don't know what to do. Does anyone have any advice?
You really need to see a vet as soon as possible. As well as removing the hay they need to check for damage to the eye.
It’s highly unlikely it will disintegrate. The ‘good’ thing about hay poke is it doesn’t need an exotic vet. See if you can have your piggy seen by any vet. That could be tricky seeing as it’s Easter Sunday tomorrow. Hope (s)he is sorted soon.
Please do see a vet. Eyes are considered emergencies and need to be checked within 24 hours. Even is the hay was to come out (it won’t disintegrate) on its own it is likely still to have done damage which needs treatment