New Born Pup
Have already taken him to the vet Wednesday morning and was prescribed .6ml Reglan (2-3 times a day), .5ml Simethicone (2-3), and .4ml Metcam (1-2), as well as given some more critical care to feed him. He had eaten his veggies normally on Tuesday evening, but around 9pm seemed more closed off than usual. I noticed two fully formed poop pellets stuck in his rear and helped him squeeze that and anything else out, but didn't see any improvement so I made an appointment for the morning after. Since being to the vet he has taken very very little nibbles of hay and the cucmber slices i will offer him. He will happily take his medicine and CC and is definitely less bloated and dehydrated than he was when I first caught this (i gave him a syringe of fluid thursday morning and feed him a syringe of water when he gets his medicine), but I worry that he has not pooped in a while (I have checked to see if he needs help squeezing them out and have seen nothing) and will succumb from this when he is very clearly still staying strong. Currently have him on a light heating pad with a vibrating feature to keep him warm and hopefully get his gut moving. He will get up and shift around, sometimes walk/shuffle a few feet to lay somewhere else, and i have seen him stand on his back paws to clean his face a bit, so I know he is not on his death bed as I've experienced that with another piggie before, but I was wondering if theres anything else I can do to help speed up recovery, or if I should expect a longer wait for results. I have been worried sick and getting absolutely no sleep checking on him each night so even just a confirmation that it will take time helps. For some more background on him he is about 1 1/2 years old, born in my house after I picked up his mother so I don't have exact genetic history, but I can say that his mother, brother, half-sister, and other non-related cage mate are all doing fine right now. They also did Xrays on him at the vet and did not see anything besides some bloating.