Guinea pig down 60g in 1 week but acting fine otherwise


New Born Pup
Jul 8, 2024
Reaction score
New York
Hello all,

Long time lurker turned poster looking for any potential possibilities on what’s gone awry with my piggy. to prefix, I booked a vet appointment tomorrow but I am posting now just cause I am a bit worried

My female guinea pig Kuma is a young 5 years old and before I went away on a business trip, she weight 1198 grams on 6/30 and once I got back this past Friday 7/5, she weighed 1138 grams, went as low as 1120 on Saturday 7/6 but is back to 1141 as of today 7/7. She has been eating well, drinking lots of water, and her stool is healthy. The only noticeable thing is that she did not like me examining her private area for stones, but even checking for that yielded nothing alarming. I’m completely dumfounded on what could be happening.
It’s great you’ve got a vet appointment for tomorrow, always good to get things ruled out and checked up when you’re worried about something.
Here is a forum guide on weight loss and what’s normal and what’s not..
Weight Loss Explained: BMI, Weighing, Poos and Feeding Support

As your piggie is acting totally normal and it’s not yet a huge weight loss I’m sure it’s nothing concerning, fingers crossed for the vet appointment tomorrow
Great that you have an appointment I think the experts say loss above 50g is classed as a cause for concern so hopefully it's nothing too serious also sometimes as our guineas get older they can lose my scale mass which can impact on their weight.
It’s great you’ve got a vet appointment for tomorrow, always good to get things ruled out and checked up when you’re worried about something.
Here is a forum guide on weight loss and what’s normal and what’s not..
Weight Loss Explained: BMI, Weighing, Poos and Feeding Support

As your piggie is acting totally normal and it’s not yet a huge weight loss I’m sure it’s nothing concerning, fingers crossed for the vet appointment tomorrow
Thank you for your thoughtful response. After visiting the vet and getting an x ray, the radiologist on hand said Kuma has a minor case of pneumonia but 2 weeks of medication and a follow up should hopefully clear it up since we had caught it early
Welcome to the forum. I’m sure Kuma will be on the mend in no time.
I hope she makes a good recovery

Make sure you are syringe feeding her a minimum of 60ml per day to stop her weight loss.

All About Syringe Feeding and Medicating Guinea Pigs with Videos and Pictures
Will do. My fiancé was home and fed her some veggies throughout the day unassisted and once I got back she was able to take 25ml of critical care unassisted (she loves it) plus dinner with her sisters. When I weighed her this morning, she was up to 1155g which is a huge improvement over the past few days.
Make sure you start weighing her daily during this time to monitor her weight accurately, keeping fingers and paws crossed for a speedy recovery 🤞🐾
Welcome to the forum. I’m sure Kuma will be on the mend in no time.
thank you for the warm welcome. Kumas weight has been going up little by little since getting on the meds and critical care. As of this morning, she weighed 1160g and her poos and pees have remained consistently healthy. Fingers crossed that it continues to improve from here


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