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Guinea pig developed bumble-foot we believe but toes are missing


New Born Pup
Dec 12, 2023
Reaction score
de queen arkansas
Our guinea pig Kobu has been recovering from a neutering so he has been put in a smaller cage by himself to recover and sometime between weekly cage cleaning his foot started looking like this, we have started Epsom salt foot baths and the swelling has started to go down, but we are trying to get him to the vet asap, is toes disappearing normal for bumble foot? After bandaging and put back he hides mostly but is still eating and drinking fine and still is speedy trying to avoid being picked up?
On discovery After daily soaking

Oh gosh, poor thing. That is a serious case and definitely needs to be seen urgently.

Given how painful it is, please ensure you are weighing him daily (each morning) so you can ensure he is in fact still eating. You can’t tell a piggy is eating enough hay by watching them so the weight checks are the only way to know. Pain can and will stop a piggy from eating enough hay (even if they are still eating veg, they may have dropped hay intake which is 80% of their diet).
If the weight checks show any reduction in hay intake, please step in with syringe feeding.

I hope he is ok

Emergency and Crisis Care as well as Bridging Care until a Vet Appointment
All About Syringe Feeding and Medicating Guinea Pigs with Videos and Pictures
Weight Loss Explained: BMI, Weighing, Poos and Feeding Support
Poor little fella, probably he is in a lot of pain. I hope everything goes well at the vet 🤞.
I am still thinking about this poor little baby 😢. Did you go to the vet? How is he?
We got Kobu to the vet, and we were told the Epsom salt foot bath were working well, and then we were given some antibiotics, the vet was also confused by the missing toes, and now we're waiting to see if they pop back out as the swelling goes down! kobu has been moving more since starting the antibiotics and the swelling has gone down a lot!thank you all for the worry, but it looks like kobu is going to pull through just fine
Thank you so much for updating us and taking your boy back to the vet. Too many people join for advice, don't like when they get told that a vet is needed and never come back. I personally always imagine the worst for those poor piggies.
Thank you so much for updating us and taking your boy back to the vet. Too many people join for advice, don't like when they get told that a vet is needed and never come back. I personally always imagine the worst for those poor piggies.

Thank you for your update. Good for seeing a vet. The swelling looked really bad. Fingers very firmly crossed for her.

We are here not just for practical home care advice during an illness and tips but also for moral support during a difficult time if wished; the owner's welfare during a stressful time is as important to us since it will contribute to their piggies' welfare.
What we cannot do is replace any necessary hands-on veterinary examinations and any licensed veterinary medication; especially as the UK (where we are based) has much stricter laws access to any that are classed as prescription-only, which include licensed veterinary painkillers, antibiotics, systemic fungals, gut meds etc. than the USA.
Hi, yes do keep us updated, fingers and paws are crossed:sending healing wishes from Staffordshire 💐
I wish him speedy recovery 🙏