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Guinea pig cyst


New Born Pup
Mar 1, 2025
Reaction score
United States
Hi, I’m new here. I just took my Guinea pig to the vet by luck because my parents don’t really like taking me to the vet for her. but it’s confirmed my Guinea pig had, or has, a cyst. He told me to squeeze it out whenever it gets big. Is that good advice? I don’t know I just thought he would do it/ get rid of it. It also makes a very strong smell. What should I do? I’m mostly scared to go back because I don’t want my parents getting mad at me
Welcome to the forum

Is this a sebaceous cyst or an abscess? An abscess produces an awful smell.

A cyst will continue to refill if it isn’t removed. An abscess requires draining or surgery to have the capsule removed. They also must have antibiotic treatment and painkillers.

It sounds like your piggy needs go to a knowledgeable vet to have this properly assessed and treated.

I’m not sure. That’s all the info they gave. But by the info you gave it could be an “abscess” it does make a stinky smell. It was the only vet in the area I can reach aswell