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Guinea pig covered in pee


Junior Guinea Pig
Jun 17, 2020
Reaction score
One thing after another with my sweet Yen 🤦‍♀️

She has been struggling to wee for a while and I finally got her an X-ray at the vets to which no bladder stones were found so she was diagnosed with cystitis.

She went on a few different meds and got insanely better! She no longer had pain when weeing, she finished her round of meds when we moved house (which obviously was stressful for both my pigs).

However before I moved I noticed Yen getting soaking wet around her bum and back leg. I washed her in a very shallow bath. The next day she was wet with wee again. After moving, she just seems to be getting soaked every day? She’s had three butt washes but I’ve stopped now as i feel like I’m probs just stressing her out more!

What do I do! I’m wondering if because she struggled to wee she was weeing very small amounts, and now she’s cured she’s weeing bigger amounts at once and is not used to it? She’s also extremely lazy (she always has been) so maybe it’s just that but I worry its something else.

She was fully checked over around a month ago. She eats and drinks perfectly fine, the only time she’s up and running around is breakfast then she’s just lazy hahah
Does she have big enough space to roam around? If her space is limited, maybe she feels that she can just stay in one spot?
Does she have big enough space to roam around? If her space is limited, maybe she feels that she can just stay in one spot?

She has a large C&C cage so she’s fine, I wonder if she feels slightly anxious to come out of hidey spots since we have recently moved house?