Kimberley jennick
New Born Pup
Hello everyone, I've got a problem with my one guinea pig I dunno much about him as I've taken him in three months ago with his brother so I've got two but for the past couple of weeks he have started to cough quit often I'm wondering does he need to see a vets or is it another way to treat my baby as I'm quite worried about him after drinking he coughing or even if he lying down he will get him run/ walk then start coughing he only does this in his cage. The water is changed morning, evening and night as it's 2 in one cage the other guinea pig don't cough so far that I haven't heard. When i hear is mate in the cage coughing I quickly take him out and check to see if he ok but when I put him back and leave if for a couple of mins or hours he coughing again, please help with anything thank you X