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Guinea Pig Care After Illness


New Born Pup
Feb 8, 2024
Reaction score
Hi everyone, I have a couple of questions regarding my two girl piggies.

For starters, my girl, Missy, had what looked like diarrhea for about 24 hours. She also lost about 50 grams since last week. I gave her critical care, massaged her tummy, and gave her a small does of gut motility I had lying around from a previous problem. This morning I woke up and she is pooping back to normal! My question is: what the heck could have caused this? She doesn’t seem to have any other illness along with her funky poops, so I’m not sure why this happened. One thing I did do differently the day before the diarrhea was give her a new treat, I’ll add a picture of it. Could this have caused it?

Secondly, since her poop was everywhere around the cage, both Missy and her sister, Nutmeg, have poopy feet. What is the best way to clean it completely? Nutmeg is a brand new addition to my family and she didn’t come from the best home. She’s 1.5 years old and insanely skittish, so I’m looking for some way to clean her feet easily.

Thanks everyone and I hope to hear from you!


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Hi, I’m glad she’s ok now. I’m not sure if the treats could be responsible for giving her diarrhoea but too much grass or veg could have been the culprit too?

Please keep an eye on her weight and have her seen by the vet if she continues to loose or if the diarrhoea comes back.

You can gently soaked their feet in warm water and wipe with a damp cloth and see if that removes the poo from their feet x
Hi, I’m glad she’s ok now. I’m not sure if the treats could be responsible for giving her diarrhoea but too much grass or veg could have been the culprit too?

Please keep an eye on her weight and have her seen by the vet if she continues to loose or if the diarrhoea comes back.

You can gently soaked their feet in warm water and wipe with a damp cloth and see if that removes the poo from their feet x
Thank you, I’ll be watching her weight daily. I’m so glad she drinks a lot of water normally because she stayed really hydrated while she wasn’t feeling good. I’ll also try soaking their feet and hopefully it gets everything off! Thanks!