New Born Pup
Hello I want to ask for help just in case to be ready in the future. I live in a country who doesn't have any vet for guinea pig I once had a guinea pig that labored since 5 in the morning and bought to 5 vets and they keep saying she'll be alright she will get the baby out but I dont believe I went online to find answers and everyone saying she will die cause the baby is stuck. In desperation I took the matter on my own hands and tried to get the baby out gently by pushing the belly and pulled the head out. I got one very large pup put but unfortunately died. luckily the mother survived we got the pup out at 7 pm she started pushing in 5 am so she was very tired I kept feeding her for few hours. I also had to clean her genitals for a few days using saline and betadine. She was 1 year old that time now she is turning 4 years old thats why I cant trust any vet here. This same piggy has a bump near her chest which moves when she moves I read a lot online but cant see any answer. I noticed this bump when she was 6 months and now that she will turn 4 years I want to know if there is something I need to worry or is there something I need to prepare since medications I buy takes a month to arrive thank you.