Hi everyone
I have just rehomed a guinea pig after one of my two Guinea Pigs died (my other post on this forum) so I am back up to two and they've bonded really well, which I am really happy about. They're the same age and sex so it couldn't be a better match really.
But one thing I've noticed taking the new guinea pig in is that my other one, Herbie, breathes really quite loudly. He's a 4 year old male and mostly lives outside except when its cold.
I've done some reading up on this on the web, but most of the resources I've found have told me to look out for him struggling to breath, looking like he's out of breath or breathing rapidly. But he's not, he's just loud. He seems otherwise very comfortable and certainly not in any distress.
When he's running around he and he's breathing more heavily he gets a bit louder, as well as when you pick him up, possibly even wheezy. The only other thing of not is he does seem to sneeze and sniff quite a bit.
I can't remember how longs he's been like this, it was just when I've compared to his new house mate its quite noticeable, he might have always been this way/
Should I be concerned or is it just a quirk of his?
I have just rehomed a guinea pig after one of my two Guinea Pigs died (my other post on this forum) so I am back up to two and they've bonded really well, which I am really happy about. They're the same age and sex so it couldn't be a better match really.
But one thing I've noticed taking the new guinea pig in is that my other one, Herbie, breathes really quite loudly. He's a 4 year old male and mostly lives outside except when its cold.
I've done some reading up on this on the web, but most of the resources I've found have told me to look out for him struggling to breath, looking like he's out of breath or breathing rapidly. But he's not, he's just loud. He seems otherwise very comfortable and certainly not in any distress.
When he's running around he and he's breathing more heavily he gets a bit louder, as well as when you pick him up, possibly even wheezy. The only other thing of not is he does seem to sneeze and sniff quite a bit.
I can't remember how longs he's been like this, it was just when I've compared to his new house mate its quite noticeable, he might have always been this way/
Should I be concerned or is it just a quirk of his?