Make sure that you get some sleep yourself in between checks so you can hold up if you have some more anxious nights with a piggy in crisis as any antibiotics will take a bit of time to kick in. Exhaustion from lack of sleep has a nasty habit of catching up with you, as I know from my own experiences with anxious night watches and round the clock feeds with piggies totally off their appetite - for several weeks. It is about finding a sustainable balance.
Step in with weighing daily at the same time on your kitchen scales so you know when to step in with support feed and how much do it now and then switch to first thing in the morning when the weight is at its lowest. Seeing a piggy nibbling on food can be very deceptive as to the actual intake although it is an encouraging sign that he showing interest in food again.
The more you can keep up his fighting strength, the greater his chances. The feeding guidelines and how you can improvise if needed are in the Emergency and Crisis Care guide collection.
How To Pick Up And Weigh Your Guinea Pigs Safely