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Guinea pig bloat simethicone dose


New Born Pup
May 7, 2020
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I am wondering what are the usual dosage for simethicone for guinea pigs (used for bloat)

The vet recommended 0.4ml every 6hours for a 1kg pig but i am worried it might be too much.
The brand is Ridwind and it is 100mg for 1ml. I read online that recommended dosage is 20mg/kg for 3-4 times a day?

He is still active and eating hay, weird thing is during his first visit he wasn’t prescribed simethicone although his stomach was distended, but i added woodsward gripe water 0.2ml from my side just in case.
He was on metoclopromide and still is.

During his bloat review 1 half weeks later, his gas bubble reduced significantly but it was still not back to normal so the vet prescribed simethicone.

Anyways, just wanted to check if the dosage is alright for a 1kg guinea pig :-) thank you.

I have also included his X ray for his visits to show his bloat improvement.


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I’m really sorry I don’t know the answer and we can’t really advise on dosage of a medicine the vet has prescribed. I suspect that there is a range of dosage according to weight and to severity. If you are in doubt I would recommend calling your vet to discuss.
in my experience simethicone causes the gas to collect as one big bubble which the guinea pig finds it difficult to pass the large bubble.i agree with the others that it is best to ring your vet.i hope the bloat improves.
in my experience simethicone causes the gas to collect as one big bubble which the guinea pig finds it difficult to pass the large bubble.i agree with the others that it is best to ring your vet.i hope the bloat improves.

Is that the stuff that’s in Infacol @eileen?
Hi there. Was just reading about gripewater. Is that the stuff you buy for babies? Is it the same as infacol? Thanks x
They are meant to do the same thing, but with infacol it 'gathers' the gas into one bubble for expelling. But that isn't good for guinea pigs and can cause a lot of pain.
Hi there. Was just reading about gripewater. Is that the stuff you buy for babies? Is it the same as infacol? Thanks x

They work differently as @Siikibam has mentioned. I keep Woodward’s gripe water in my first aid kit. But I don’t use Infacol as it can cause one big gas bubble which is fine for babies but not for guinea pigs.
hi, thanks for the replies.
He is a lot better now and poops are getting back to normal! Although his weight has dropped quite a bit... but he is eating well, though i just supplement a teaspoon of cc a day to hopefully bump up his calorie intake.

i asked my vet about simethicone and she said gripe water works too but they have seen more improvement with simethicone and recommends it more.
You need to go by what the vet says, but as we have mentioned above simethicone gathers gas into a large bubble which can more painful for them to pass.

Continue to monitor his weight daily, if he is putting weight on by himself by eating enough hay then that is good, but he may need more top ups of critical care if he isn’t