Guinea pig biting

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May 30, 2010
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Hi just wondering whether someone could advise why one of my guineas when cuddling sometimes decides to bite me.

Had two boys for nearly six weeks now put into new home and left to settle down for a week before handling. Then after that gradually built up there confidence and both were happy to be cuddled.

Seemed to start when eating food of my lap, once food is gone will start biting when handling, is there any suggestions as to why and also how to stop.

Many thanks.
sorry can't help, but my rescue pig bites me because she doesn't like being picked up/held. I try not to withdraw my finger when she does it, so that she doesn't learn to bite to get her own way. Luckily she isn't biting hard enough to draw blood...

It might just take time for them to adjust. Or maybe you've just got a biter!

Sure more expert people will be able to help you.
How hard is the biting? Guinea pigs explore with their mouth and they may just tell you that way that they want more, as your fingers are still smelling of food.

A few piggies are biters/tweakers, but most piggies aren't. Just discourage them gently by making a disapproving sound and they should learn quickly.

Piggies often do not like being handled at first. You may try and pick them up/put them back in cosy.
These boys were rescued and are just over a year old. Doesn't draw blood but is definately a bite as it hurts and he bites down quite hard.
He never used to do this at first, as he has only just developed this habit, but was also the shyest one out of the two.
Should we just perservere and hopefully he will realise that everything is ok.
I have a similar problem, my black aby has taken to biting really hard. Although it hurts I try not to react, but she is actually pulling my skin up when she bites. I know she does it when she has had enough cuddles. Do I give in to her or do I keep her on my lap and put her down in my own time?

I can cope with her but today she has badly bitten my 6 year old son!:...
Eddie has started biting as well :-( he often nibbles my clothes and finger tips (although it's not painful), but last week he bit me-hard. It didn't draw blood, but it bruised my hand and did break the skin. It was when I was cuddling him. Even when I wash my hands before handling him, he insists on sniffing my bare arms and hands as if he is thinking "MMMM! YUMMY!" and about to bite me, so I pull away my arm as soon as I even feel a whisker brush against it!

Would love to know how to stop this, Jeff has never bitten me, and will even allow me to touch his nose against his. But Ed, I call Ed "my ferrell guinea pig" because he can act so wild at times! He insists on burrowing under his fleece as well rolleyes
Flumpet has always been a bit of a biter when she's being handled although it's got less as I've got to know her. I use a cosy for handling. When she's had enough of being on my lap (usually soon after food had run out) she will often bite the cosy. If she does bite I don't put her down straight away but only leave it a minute or so before I do. I don't want her to associate biting with being put down but also I want to respect the fact that she has had enough.
It's really important to persevere with a handling routine so that you can carry out health checks and cut nails, etc confidently- but also accept that not all pigs enjoy lap time (or see any point in it!). I rarely have my girls on my lap for more than 5- 10 minutes.
I strongly recommend using a cosy for children who are handling a pig. It reduces the chance of the child being bitten or the guinea pig being dropped/ mishandled. :)

Flumpet in a cosy
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Awww Flips, that's so cute! I got my piggies this:

I use it as a cuddle cup on my lap for Ed (I roll the sides down a little bit), and also carry them both about in it when I'm doing my ironing :)) they love being in it...I got it to try and help them both trust and bond with me a bit better, but Ed still's just his character...
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