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Guinea pig being treated for URI , Need Help!


New Born Pup
Jan 30, 2025
Reaction score
United States of America
Hello, my guinea pig was diagnosed with a very mild URI last Thursday. My vet prescribed him an antibiotic for two weeks and today would be half way through the treatment. About when should he stop showing symptoms of the URI? He’s still sneezing a little bit and will sometimes have crusty eyes. Is this abnormal or do symptoms start to clear more towards the end of the trial?
Okay thanks! Around what day do you typically start seeing improvement or does it depend on the guinea pig?

It really rather depends on the severity of the illness and whether, ultimately, the antibiotic is the right one for the infection.
You should be starting to see some improvement by now but it could really take the entire course.

Make sure you have switched from the routine weekly weight checks and that you are instead weighing him every morning so that you can more closely monitor hay intake. this is an important step during a period of illness and it enables you to step in with syringe feeding promptly if needed
It really rather depends on the severity of the illness and whether, ultimately, the antibiotic is the right one for the infection.
You should be starting to see some improvement by now but it could really take the entire course.

Make sure you have switched from the routine weekly weight checks and that you are instead weighing him every morning so that you can more closely monitor hay intake. this is an important step during a period of illness and it enables you to step in with syringe feeding promptly if needed
Thank you so much! Will definitely keep this in mind.