"guinea Pig" Ball...

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Junior Guinea Pig
Jun 6, 2015
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For Christmas I have been given a large exercise ball "for the guinea pigs". I'm totally aware that they're not ok for piggies!

Anyway, my family said "try it out" and even though I tried to say I wasn't sure it was safe and the instructions didn't say it was suitable for guinea pigs, my family said I should stop being prissy and ungrateful.

So I put both pigs in in turn and neither of them moved, so hopefully no harm done to their spines!

My question is. ... what do I do?! I don't want to be rude and ungrateful to my brother but at the same time I'm not risking Poldark and Sage's health just to be nice!

They're having a proper run around now... no balls involved
Definately - don't use an exercise ball for Guinea Pigs. Honesty is the best policy.
you are not being ungrateful - you are being responsible by not using it.. just tell them the truth x
If you have to present them with written information that says exercise balls are not suitable for guinea pigs. Can't argue with that.
There is a post on "Dangerous Toys" on this forum. That might be useful to show them. Good luck and stay strong. It's hard when others imply you are ungrateful when really you are a responsible owner.
Hi, perhaps tell them that you did some serious thinking into the possibal pitfalls, and arived at your
"own" conclusion that it would be to daneous to take any chances

and you hope they will respect your wishes
Hmm...that's a tough one. Certainly not good for piggies. Can you try to explain the spine problems think to your family? If it's still in the package maybe they can exchange it for something else for the piggies?
Strange these things they sell in pet shops, I've acquired a tunnel with holes in supposed to be for hamsters - but neither the tunnel or the holes are big enough for a hamster - I do rather wonder who designs these things! Because I avoid pet shops like the plague I didn't realise until yesterday they did chocolate drops for guinea pigs either ...............I suppose these things are designed to appeal to the owners!
I've gone down the route of "The pigs just don't understand how to use it", which has been received alright and is also true.

My parents already think Poldark and Sage are like spoiled children, when I tried to show some evidence the ball isn't safe they said "Right, because the guinea pig forum are experts!"

I was thinking. .. um... yes? More expert than you two?

Never mind. The ball isn't being used for the guinea pigs but maybe it will make a nice novelty storage thing.
There is a post on "Dangerous Toys" on this forum. That might be useful to show them. Good luck and stay strong. It's hard when others imply you are ungrateful when really you are a responsible owner.

OP sorry to hijack but thanks for this Mairi. Just found the thread and think I will be removing my hay ball after looking at that! Poor piggie . Mine is a coil and do have to stretch it a bit to get the hay in but would hate to think of something happening. Someone mentioned a hay cube from the range so will have to hunt that down!
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