New Born Pup
wrong place- apologies! Hello all!
sorry one more thing- following your comment saying potential arthritis would that be visibly aswell? As in, something I could judge myself because he appears to move fine
I hope you can organise a friend for him, some of the rescues can be really helpful in helping you find someone compatible. I chose not to get another pig when Timmy (my avatar piggy) passed away. I don’t want to have a constant cycle of pigs and made my decision based on her age. They were 7.5 and I assumed Jenny would pass soon after. 18 months later she is still going and I feel so guilty that she is alone. At 4 you could very easily have another 3 or 4 years and that is a really long time for an animal designed to live as part of a herd to be alone. Of course piggies are contrary creatures and can equally easily just succumb for no apparent reason at any time.Thanks Piggies&Buns! He currently doesn’t live with another pig as he seems to be happy on his own now so no other piggy involved. I was conscious that there was potential for him to get very territorial? Also would the parasites be noticeable? Like a dog and it’s fleas.
I’m in agreement with you Tigermoth, my concern was him passing soon after and having a constant cycle. I’ll see how it goes !