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guinea pig ate string?


New Born Pup
Jan 7, 2025
Reaction score
i have kept the water bottle for my pigs held up with an acrylic/polyester string for years and have never had an issue with it, but one of my pigs has suddenly decided to chew through it and i can't find any remains, which implies that he's eaten it. i have no idea which of them did this. they're both acting okay but it was a pretty long string (about 15cm) and fairly thick as well (6mm) so i am very concerned. i have the vets number locked and loaded for if this becomes a major issue, but until then, what do i do?
i have kept the water bottle for my pigs held up with an acrylic/polyester string for years and have never had an issue with it, but one of my pigs has suddenly decided to chew through it and i can't find any remains, which implies that he's eaten it. i have no idea which of them did this. they're both acting okay but it was a pretty long string (about 15cm) and fairly thick as well (6mm) so i am very concerned. i have the vets number locked and loaded for if this becomes a major issue, but until then, what do i do?

Hi and welcome

Since rodents don't have a vomit reflex, all you can do is to keep an eye on your piggy for the next day or two. With a little luck, the string will end up in their large appendix and not cause any trouble.

This is actually by far the most common outcome with these kind of cases of piggies eating plastic, which we are contacted over fairly regularly. ;)

Please contact a vet asap if he suddenly looks off or refuses to eat but try not to hover. Chances are much higher that nothing is going to happen. :tu:

Hi and welcome

Since rodents don't have a vomit reflex, all you can do is to keep an eye on your piggy for the next day or two. With a little luck, the string will end up in their large appendix and not cause any trouble.

This is actually by far the most common outcome with these kind of cases of piggies eating plastic, which we are contacted over fairly regularly. ;)

Please contact a vet asap if he suddenly looks off or refuses to eat but try not to hover. Chances are much higher that nothing is going to happen. :tu:

ohh my hero. it's been a couple hours and they're both acting alright; just gave them their food and they were both thrilled about it and are now eating just fine. thank you so much for the help and the reassurance, i will keep a very close eye on them both for a few days
ohh my hero. it's been a couple hours and they're both acting alright; just gave them their food and they were both thrilled about it and are now eating just fine. thank you so much for the help and the reassurance, i will keep a very close eye on them both for a few days

It usually takes about 24 hours for any food to pass from one end to the other and then another day for any redigested poos; so 1-2 days is the normal observation period. ;)
You don't say what colour the string was but don't be shocked if you get some weird coloured poop. One of my boys ate some blue vetbed (quite a large chunk), we had blue poop all the next day!