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Guinea pig acting erratically


New Born Pup
Apr 14, 2020
Reaction score
Good afternoon,

I have a guinea pig named Bumble, who is 5 years and 3 months old. He got diagnosed with a bladder tumour in September, and prescribed rheumocam (to be used indefinitely) which we now routinely collect from the vets when it runs out. He was always acting quite normally except some pain when he went for a wee.

Today, he is acting very strangely and not something I've seen in guinea pigs I've had before. He is rumblestrutting quite a lot. He does often rumblestrut but today he's been doing it even more frequently, and much more randomly. He is running around quite erratically and doing laps of his cage every now and then, which is unlike him.

Has anyone heard of this? We've upped the rheumocam to see if this helps but don't know why he's acting this way.

FYI he has been a lone piggie all his life, we rescued him after he didn't get on with his cage mate 3 years ago.

Dani & Bumble
Did you up his medication before he started this behaviour? My boys rumblestrut and zoom when they are happy/excited. Could he be feeling more comfortable?