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Dental Guinea pig abscess


New Born Pup
Sep 7, 2020
Reaction score

so a few months now my guineapig Gronk has been back and forth at the vet. At first he went for A molar shaving and 6 weeks after that he developed an abscess which was drained and flushed and he was on antibiotics for 2 weeks and I hot packed him multiple times a day. 8 weeks later he developed another lump which burst so I brought him back to the vet and so on. He had the abscess drained and cleaned and hismolars trimmed again. When I brought him home I noticed there was still a lump and I don’t know if it’s suppose to be there.We are approaching week 2 and he’s finishing up 2 antibiotics. I’m trying not to worry because why would they send him home with another lump. I really can’t afford taking him back to the vet again especially so soon. Anyone have any input on what I should do or should I just stop worrying?
Sorry to hear your boy is unwell. I’m afraid we usually recommend that you consult with tour vet with regards anything. Is the lump getting bigger or looks like it’s causing him pain or bothering him?

I’ll tag @furryfriends (TEAS) @VickiA be patient as this forum is based in UK and most are waking up to get ready for the day.
I’m still out but have a kitten jumping all over me, so will take the opportunity to reply.

Has the abscess just been lanced or marsupialised (stitched open)? Which antibiotic was prescribed? Abscesses need a long course of a strong antibiotic, with, at least, twice daily flushing, to ensure every bit of infection is destroyed.
Thanks everyone!
He is just finishing up sulfatrim and Mertonidazole. The current lump looks the same. I haven’t noticed any growth. He doesn’t let me go near his chin at all. He’s always been like that though even before any of this. I believe it was lanced opened and flushed. I know the first abscess he had there was trace of a really bad bacteria so the vet believed this one could have been traces of the bad bacteria. So when he had this past one drained and flushed he used a little bit of an antibiotic that he couldn’t give Gronk because it’s not safe for him. But I just don’t get how he left with a lump still. Sorry if I’m babbling. I’ve never been thru this before and I just want this to end cause I feel so bad for the little guy!