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Guinea Pig Abscess Burst


New Born Pup
Dec 5, 2018
Reaction score
My poor wee man Odin has had a couple of abscess in the past 4 months. The first one was treated with a couple vet treatments, which healed up well and he made a full recovery.

Only about a week and a half ago though he developed another one in the exact same place. He was taken to the vet for a consultation and they found that his teeth are all wonky. This is the cause of the repeat abscess and they advised that this would probably keep happening.

I was unable to pay the vet bill to help him at the time he had the consultation as I unfortunately do not have insurance for him and being a student. The last vet bills (which amounted to around £1000) has left me in money troubles already.

I was about to be paid this Friday and was going to help him if I could. But literally just now I smelt a very strong unpleasant odour coming from his cage. I noticed his face looked different and then realised the abscess has burst!

Despite the initial shock and worry this gives me... He actually seems happier.

I am just about to go wash him after posting this. But if anyone has had experience with their guinea pig having an abscess and it bursting, please give some advice as to how to help him for now... What is the outcome of this happening, will he be OK till tomorrow when I can get him to a vet? Is it a good thing this has burst or is it really bad? Because he actually seems better now it is burst. I know he will need antibiotics to help the infection however.
@ESuth You need an antibiotic like Zithromax to kill off the infection. You also need to keep the abscess open so you can flush it a few times a day. Usually antibiotics alone don't cure an abscess, it will need flushing daily to remove all of the pus.

Your vet should be able to show you how to do it.
If you are in the UK and on a low income, you can go to the PDSA. They are a charity who will treat your pet for a donation.
Hi and welcome to the forum. Sorry it's in medical needs. Unfortunately an abscess, especially a burst one needs prompt treatment to prevent infection. I would probably look for a more experienced and knowledgeable vets because once the abscess is dealt with properly it shouldn't keep happening.

I'm tagging @furryfriends (TEAS) who runs a special sanctuary for predominantly dental piggies and often visits the best guinea pig dental vet in the country
As you have a dental issue going on too, you really need to get him seen by a vet who is experienced in dental issues, as well as someone who can deal with the abscess correctly too. Do you live in the UK? If, so where about? The very best vet you could see is Simon Maddock at the Cat and Rabbit Care Clinic in Northampton.
