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Guinea Cyst - Popped And Dried?! Help!


New Born Pup
Mar 19, 2015
Reaction score
Wondering if there's anyone with experience of guinea cysts who might be able to help me.

We recently took my guinea pig puddles to the vet as she had a small lump on her behind. The vet advised us that this was a cyst and it could be removed in a small op requiring anaesthetic. We turned this down as it wasn't affecting her movement or causing her discomfort. We've recently lost two animals after going under anaesthetic so only want to do this when its needed. Not for aesthetic reasons.

Since then, the bump hasn't grown but when clipping her nails today we noticed it appears to have popped and now looks like the below. We're worried that it wasn't a cyst and what is in the hole. It looks as though it could be the contents of the cyst dried up, will this naturally resolve itself or will it require scrapping out to prevent infection? Is there anything we can do? Our main concern is that this wasn't a cyst and has instead caused an abscess.

Any help is appreciated!



Cysts can refill if they burst and some of the gunk stays inside. Does it still feel like there is a lump there? My Peter had a cyst that burst but it had such a tiny hole that it did fill up again a few times, he was nearly 7 and had other health problems so I kept cleaning it and draining it as much as possible to keep him comfortable
Cysts can refill if they burst and some of the gunk stays inside. Does it still feel like there is a lump there? My Peter had a cyst that burst but it had such a tiny hole that it did fill up again a few times, he was nearly 7 and had other health problems so I kept cleaning it and draining it as much as possible to keep him comfortable

Yeah it still feels as though the lump is there. Almost looks like a giant human blackhead for lack of anything else to compare it too! It's not causing her pain but is clearly uncomfortable. Is this something we can do at home or is it a vet job?
anything you could do now would mean removing the scab and it looks a fair size. I've never had to do that before so wouldn't be comfortable advising on you doing anything. If it were me I'd be popping along to the vet for an opinion
anything you could do now would mean removing the scab and it looks a fair size. I've never had to do that before so wouldn't be comfortable advising on you doing anything. If it were me I'd be popping along to the vet for an opinion
Of course, thanks for the advice regardless. I may see if the content is "loose" a vets visit us definitely on the cards I think thanks
Yeah it still feels as though the lump is there. Almost looks like a giant human blackhead for lack of anything else to compare it too! It's not causing her pain but is clearly uncomfortable. Is this something we can do at home or is it a vet job?

I would recommend to please have it seen by a vet. It may need removing.

My 6 year old long-haired Tesni required and operation when a sebaceous cyst not too far from her genitalia (by in a very awkward angle to spot it in time) popped and got infected earlier this year. She has made a straight forward full recovery. ;)