guilt :(


New Born Pup
Oct 24, 2023
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hi everyone! i have two baby piggies from petsmart and i have them in a big cage and i spend atleast an hour of time with them daily— so i do try my hardest to be the best owner for them possible.
however my current issue is i honestly got my piggies thinking they had similar habits as rats (my friend used to have pet rats) and obviously i was mistaken, as piggies are much more fearful of course. i’ve done all of my research since getting them and have them in a suitable pen now, but i am worried that i chose wrong and that rats would be a more suitable pet for what i am looking for. my mom won’t let me have both, which would be ideal, and i am extremely conflicted. she said in order to get rats i’d have to rehome my guinea pigs, but i already love them both so much and would be very sad to see them go. but i don’t want to develop any resentment or regret towards them, so i am nervous. i also just feel very guilty for all of this and unsure where to go from here. any advice would be so appreciated.
Guinea pigs are really much more fearful than rats. But they are wonderful pet, big characters and looking so cute.
You just have to give them the chance to show their true personalities by giving them the time, patience and love they need to build up trust in humans.
If you love them already, why should you build up resentment towards them? They are your family now and are depending on your love and care.
It might not have been the perfect choice but that isn't their fault. It might be oldfashioned, but they are your responsibility and you should try to give them the best life possible.
Enjoy and cherish their cute personalities.
I’ve had rats and Guinea Pigs as pets. They’re just different like rats can be handled a lot which is the part you probably like a lot and Guinea Pigs usually like shorter times.

Guinea Pigs do have big personalities and I find people who have Guinea Pigs talk about them like they’re real people. In less than six months I bet you’ll be the same.

Guinea Pigs I found are easy to tame, and they’re smart so they catch on quickly. I attached a link to a video that teaches you to tame Guinea Pigs in 5 days.

Good Luck and Enjoy them. 😎

I love rats as pets. Guinea pigs however are exceptional with hugely individual personality traits. I have 2 boys, both still quite young, 1 year and 9 months. They treat myself and my husband differently and it is amazing to see them learn from each other. It does take time and patience but is definitely worth the effort especially when you enter the room and they greet you.
thank you everyone for all of the advice :)
i really appreciate all of it and the lack of judgement. i’ve felt quite discouraged because my guinea pigs are still so scared of me, but i know we are making progress and that it just takes time.
thanks again for all the kind words and help :)
LittleAdventures is also a great YouTube channel which shows you how happy and interesting guinea pigs can be even if you're not stroking them. 😊
Guinea pigs are wonderful little furry potatoes, they brought me many years of joy. They might always be a little bit skittish, but as you build a routine with them they will become much more trusting. Just wait until you hear their impatient wheeking when you prepare their food...