grumpy piggies

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Jan 17, 2008
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Dublin, Ireland
hi i have two boars both are about 10 months and iv had both for about 7 monhs. When i first got them i was told they were girls but later found out they were boars. I got them in febuary and they lived together in the same cage but i had two igloos two bowl and two water bottles so there wasnt much fighting. At first their age was in my bedroom and i had a bridge for them to get out and run about when they wanted they were free range piggies! I went interraining in march for a month and my ma was looking after them when i can home in april my ma had taken them downstairs and i noticed they were fighting a lot more. I thought it was because they wernt geting let out every day but when i got home i was taking hem out everyday again. I notice one day that one of my piggies had a chunk missing from his ear and the other one had a bite mark behind his ear so i sepperated them and gt another cage. I still let them out everyday if not 2-4 times a day and they seem happy but today i tried to let them out together and whenever they got close they started rummbelling and sniffing each other. Do you think that after time theyll ever be friends again? thank you

oh their both from different families and one is either himalaian or albino hes mostly white but he has a brown nose and brown ears and partially brown feet and hs the pne who was causing all the trouble today but before he was the submissive one.
Boars need to display dominance

I believe you had young to teen age pigs that got along.
When your starting to miss ear parts it is time to keep them seperate a if you had a female you would really have a mess on your hands. They are like teenagers showing off to the girls. The smell of a female would cause testrone poisining drool if two males were in the same cage and not getting along to start.

That's my opinion
Males do tend to fight more especially in the teenage stage between 6 and 12 months. Has blood been drawn? It is hard to get them back together once this has happened.

I would try rebonding in a neutral area, perhaps the bath or somewhere they have no been together (I did with my two fighting board) and if it doesn't work (it didn't with mine) then I would keep them seperate.

My two, I introduced babes to them and that worked fine. :)
It does sound like puberty has arrived and now it is a dominance thing.
This usually happens when they already live together and are of a similar age.

I had to separate two litter brothers, Stuart and Shaun, who were fine for many months and then Shaun was biting Stuart's back. I didn't notice it at first because they had long hair and the fights were happening when I wasn't around. A work colleague of mine has just experienced the same thing and also has had to separate boars.

But I have had a dad live with his son and they got on great.

If blood is being drawn then you may have to reconsider the housing situation. As SunshineAndTwinkle suggested, try bathing them to get rid of their own scent, put them back on neutral territory (if you are able) and keep a close eye on what happens.

Let us know how things go.
iv been lettin them run around the floor together and they usually seem to stay apart but sometimes they run around together and follow eachother and squeek and kinda make giggeling noises so they seem to be getting on ok. there is still the occasional rumble and stuff but not much and if it starts to look serious i generally seperate them but the usually seperate themselves. so it seems to be getting better. they still live seperatly and i cant see them living together again but i think they have some fun together on the floor when there not grumbling!
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